Chapter 13

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"Shit shit shit" Simon quietly whispers as we race to the adidas store a few store blocks down.

We enter the store and we see everyone gathered around the counter. Including some bystanders.

"What?! No! That's bullshit!" I hear Ethan yell over everybody.

I push through everybody that's gathered around and I see Ethan and some guy behind the counter.

I saw, pushed to the side, Emily.. Ethan's girlfriend. (No hate towards Emily, she's great! Her and Ethan are cute together!)

"No mate!! Whats bullshit is the fact that someone like you could get someone like her!" The buff guy says. I instantly feel the sadness in Ethan and you could see it in his eyes.

Ethan glares at him and walks beside him. They have a stare off and eventually the guy jabs Ethan right in the nose. Ethan punches back but hits his cheek bone causing him to wince a little at the impact.

Emily rushes into grab the man and Simon rushes into grab Ethan. With them being pulled away I stand in the middle of them with my arms outstretched between them.

The sidemen and Cals are on Ethan's side and the bystanders are just backed away a bit. The manager is somewhere in the crowd and Emily is on the assholes side.

Some how Emily lets him go or something and all I feel is a sudden hit to my face. I tumble backwards and bump into the counter. I hear most people gasp or something and I feel someone rush over to me.

"Abby!? Are you ok!?" A worried Simon asks. I ignore him and stand on my feet. I walk up to the man and stand and look him into his eyes. He's taller than me so I have to look up.

I see a smirk plastered on his face.

"Don't get between our fight. Bitch." He  spits at me. I feel my anger start to boil up inside of me.

"Oh hell no.." I hear Simon say behind me and footsteps approach me. I put my hand up to stop him and he listens.

Everyone goes silent and all you can hear is everyone's breathes.





He pushes me back a bit. And I tumble backwards. On purpose. I completely shove him backwards and he knocks into Emily who falls over on the ground.

Don't mess with Ethan.. or me.

He gets up and was about to throw a punch. Which I seen a mile away because he was doing a round house punch. Which is not how to grow a punch.

I quickly duck it and turn and kick his knee forward he falls down onto his knees and I jump in front of him again.

I punch him, one punch after another.





Soon enough he was on the ground and me on top of this ugly ass motherfucker beating him senseless.

Everyone could probably tell that I was furious because I had the look in my eyes.

I feel someone pull me off of him, I'm guessing JJ because it takes a lot of strength to pull me off of someone, and he's the strongest.

I kept fighting against him but he wouldn't let me go. I feel his arms wrap around me in a hug and it calms me down.

I steady my breathing.

"Ok.. ok.. I'm good." He slowly and unsurely lets me go. Which even I know is a mistake.

I instantly run over to him, bows he's sitting up clutching his face, and kick him in the stomach.

He groans and rolls over on his side.

"Don't mess with Ethan again or I swear.. I'll be digging your grave.." I spit at him before turning away and walking out of the store with footsteps followed behind me.

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