Chapter 21

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It's been nine months since Simon and I went on our first legitimate date. Nine whole months. If you think about it. That's a long time. It was in February when we started going on our dates, and now it's November. Wow. Mad.

I really like the guy. I don't know about love, mostly because, it's overused and overrated but I sure as hell like him. I'm guessing he likes me too because, whenever he isn't recording nor hanging with the guys, he spends his time with me. Yea, I'm not the 'over protected' type. I trust him. And I he trusts me. Plus he isn't hiding anything. At least to my knowledge.

We do have each others pass codes though. So, it's not like I have anything to hide either.

Simon and I's dates got less frequent because he had a bunch of stuff to do with the guys, like the book and Upload. But when we do go out, it's still as good as the first one. They're never your cliché 'dates' where the guy takes the girl on a vacation or something, They're just chilled and relaxed. I also don't really like those cliché ones either if I'm being honest.

Besides the guys and a few friends, not very many people know that we're dating. I mean, I don't think either of us wants it to be a big deal, or I don't think he wants the hate towards me, most of the reason. Yes, I know they're gonna be your supporters for everything, but there will always be your haters. And I think he may be a bit protective when it comes to that too.
He's actually adorable when he's protective. Like, there's a 'cute all the time' Simon, but also a 'even cuter when protective' Simon.

I sigh. What can you do while waiting for about 4 other people to pick up so you can start recording? Not much.

I usually wait like this for them, and the outcome is always the same. Spinning myself 100,000 times in a circle in my chair until I'm ready to pass out.

So.. I start spinning.

"I'm here" josh says through my headset that I'm wearing. I quickly stop myself with my feet and turn facing the monitors, the room spinning.

"Where are they?" I complain as I get into Dead By Daylight.

"I don't even know. I know they're downstairs discussing a party they're gonna have later the week." He mumbles a bit. I see Josh's gamer tag pop up in the bottom right corner and I invite him to a game.

"Oh?" I question. "Where will it be?"

"I don't know. Probably in the house." He accepts the request "like a 'congrats on moving into a new house' type of party" I nod. Even though he can't see me.

"Later this week yea?"

"Mhm." I can tell he got bored of waiting and just took out his phone.

"Want me to yell at them?"

"Yes pleaseee" he groans.

"Ok. Watch your ears"


"BUT IM BLACK" I hear JJ yell back.

"KILL YOURSELF" i hear a quiet noise of laughter which is probably quite loud but when you have a house this size, it's hard to tell.

I see Simon's gamer tag pop up, shortly after Vik, then lastly JJ.

I invite them to the game and the call.

"Ok, so.. before we start." Simon begins.

"Where gonna be having a party on Thursday. Inviting RackaRacka and Lachlan and whoever is here and the others, and there will be alcohol involved"

"Lit" I say.

"Mhmm. It's gonna be FUCKING AWESOME" JJ yells, almost busting my eardrums.

"Keep it in your pants JJ" Vik laughs.

"Yea, like, did you just bust a nut or something?" Josh carries on. We all erupt in laughter, expect for JJ who just got parred.

"Suck it up and let's play already." I whin.


Damn Abby, Back at it again with the inconsistent updates. Whooooo.

So firstly, I have no real reason why I didn't update, sooo.. I'll take the L.

Secondly, I'm still obsessing over Marianas Trench cuz Josh Ramsay is my dad and I love him. Legit, if you wanna fangirl with me hmu. I'm down.

And lastly, I think this book is gonna end soon. So.. I need your guys thoughts on that and such. The book as been doing great! So thank you all!!!

Please if you wouldn't mind..



And love MT ❤️

Peace -Abby

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