Chapter 29

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"-Hello?" Simon answers his phone.

"Yo m8" I hear JJ on the other end.

I look up at Simon from our cuddling position while watching Netflix on my Laptop.

"wah'gwan" Simon says casually.

"Are you alone?"

"No I'm next to Abby" I listen more closely and pause the movie.

"Can we talk privately?" He asks worriedly.

No. He's gonna tell him. This can't be happening. I hold my breathe waiting for a miracle.

"Yeah. Well fuck. Gimme a minute" I sit up letting Simon and I hold up the laptop. He slides off from the inside and steps out into the hall.

I quickly lay down the laptop and curl into a ball and start shaking.

"This can't be happening" I whisper to myself.

I rush to get my lighter and pack of cigarettes and run outside.

I sit on the step and light one. I continue to shake.

"You smoke?" I hear someone behind me say. I turn around and see Simons dad sitting on a small chair over towards the window with a dart in his hand.

"Yeah" I say turning back around.

"Wanna join?" He motions me towards the other chair next to him. I nod. I walk over and take another draw.

"That can kill you, you know." He says after a few moments of silence.

"I know" I say looking over at him. He takes a hit of the cigarette and taps it to brush the ashes off.

"Then why do you do it?" I say looking towards the road. I begin to tap my foot on the wood underneath me.

"I don't know. Some could say it's relaxing. Others could say they don't care if they die. Some people say they're addicted."

"What's your excuse?" I say to him.

"Well, I don't really have a reason." He shrugs. "You?"

"Probably I don't mind dying"

"That's not good."

"Yeah well I mean. If I haven't met Simon or the guys, I probably wouldn't be here," I speak truthfully.

"Well thank god for that" he says. It goes silent again.

"I fucked up-" I pause "-pardon my language" he chuckles at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't say. I wish I could. I just can't.."

"That's alright."

"Maybe one day I'll tell" I sit back into the chair thinking about one day I'll be looking back on this. Maybe.

"Yeah. Maybe." I take a few more hits of the cigarette and drop it, letting it burn out itself.

"You're very wise Mr.Minter" I speak up.

"Call me Paul" (idk what his parents are called.. so oops)

I giggle. "We're basically family now" he continues.

Not for long.. I think.

"But thank you" he chuckles. I smile at him. I continue to watch the cars that drive.

I hear the door open and I see Simon standing there.

"You coming in?"

"Which one?" Paul jokes.

"Both?" He smiles back.

Paul puts the dart out and we both stand up.

Simon wraps his arm around my waist. And we walk back to our room.

"What was that about?" I say.

"Oh. Nothing important." I send him a questioning look and just shrug it off.

So the twat didn't tell?

Simon and I go back to watching the movie and cuddling. I find myself smiling at the smallest actions he makes.

Man, I'm really falling for this guy. And it's not a bad thing.



So I might not write that much cuz I'm tired af.

I was up until 3 in a group chat with two of my closest friends.. I swear we were drunk 😂


Hope you lot have a good Christmas or holidays if you don't celebrate. ❤❤

-Abby xxx

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