Chapter 22

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I finish off the cigarette and toss it on the porch. I step on it and make my way back inside. I shove the lighter back into my sweater pocket along with the pack of cigs.

"Hey" JJ tumbles over towards me. I shove my hands in the pocket and start to pick at the lighter.


"Wanna have a dance?"

"Um.. no JJ I'm good."

"Please" JJ pleads. Slightly drunk JJ is the best. I leave him unanswered and make my way upstairs with music blasting around me.

That girl is a real crowd pleaser..

I start to hum the lyrics as I toss my lighter and pack on the dresser in my room.

I quickly change out of my lazy clothes and throw some decent party clothes on.

I make my way back downstairs to be social. Yay. Note that sarcasm.

You see, the party has started a while ago.. I wanna say like an hour ago.. and I've been editing until just then.

Before I go to any social event I always have a smoke. It calms my nerves and it helps me in a better mood.

I go to the kitchen and grab a shot. I don't notice the three couples making out around me and instead I grab my shot and down it before grabbing a beer and leaving the room.

I take the cap off the beer and chuck it on the floor. I'll have to pick that up later anyways. I roll my eyes.

I still get lost around their house because it's so big and fairly new. But eventually I find Simon.

"Hi" I plop down next to him on the couch where he and Harry are playing a game of FIFA.

"Hey" he tilts his head towards me but keeps his eyes focused on the tv.

"You said there wasn't gonna be very many people.." I slowly trail off and start picking at my nails.

The cigarettes didn't help very much.. which is.. unusual.

"Ya well.. I lied" he laughs a bit. I could already tell he was tipsy. I force a laugh.

"Well.. if you need me I'll probably be drinking with JJ" I pat his knee and stand up. I leave the room and I try and find JJ.

How the hell am i lost? I ask myself.

I find JJ taking a few shots with some chicks who i have never seen before.
I take a sip of my beer as I make my way over to JJ.

"Hey" I say.

"Suppppp" he says quite loudly. I laugh a bit.

"Leave these blokes alone JJ" I say as I take another swig of my drink.

They scoff at me and I just ignore them and laugh.

"No need to be rude" JJ slurs. I laugh in his face and he joins in. Shortly after they leave.

"Wanna get wasted?" JJ asks me.

"Yeah. Simon is playing FIFA and isn't paying attention to me. Why not? He isn't my guardian"

A few shots later I can barely tell what I'm doing or barely even stand.

"Boop" I poke JJ's nose and laugh like a five year old.

"Oh, I'll get you for this" he smirks and starts tickling me. I erupt in a huge laugh which probably has the attention of whoever is in the kitchen.

"S-s-stop" I say, trying to contain it. He stops and helps me stand straight again.

"Oh. There you are!" Simon explains as he finds me.

"Thanks for watching her man. I appreciate it." I fall into Simons arms and giggle. He hugs me backwards facing JJ. I wink at him. He puts a smirk on his face before just watching us.

"I don't need to be watched" I pout like a five year old.

"You're wasted." He says. "Let's go to bed"

"Not until I give my best friend a hug" I slur most my words. I walk over to JJ and give him a hug. Without Simon noticing I slap his butt. I giggle and walk away with Simon, leaving JJ there smirking.

"Now, let's get you to bed" he says as he undresses me and changes my clothes. I don't really mind because he's my boyfriend of 8 months and because I'm knackered and don't know what the hell I'm doing.

He tucks me under my duvet and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight love" he plays with my hair for a short second then stands up and leaves the room. I roll to my side looking at the wall. Wanting to party more.

I turn my head towards the noise at my door. I see JJ quietly sneak in and I sit up.

"Best friend!" I yell but the noise is still blasting from downstairs and no one can hear me, besides JJ.

"Time to get the party started" He smirks as he approaches me.

"What do you mean?" I play innocent. Even though I'm drunk I can still somehow pull it off if even if I wasn't.

"I mean this." He reaches me and crashes our lips together. We move in sync as it turns into a make out session. The kiss gets heated quickly.

"Ready to have the real fun?" He smirks before we go further.

"You betcha" I smirk as I pull him on top of me.


Well. Who's ready to kill me?¿


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