Chapter 5

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I enter the sidemen house while Vikk follows behind me. The others went back to their flat at nandos and I said thank you and hugged them. Little fact, Tobi gives the best hugs.

I stare around the entrance with the stairs directly in front of me. It wasn't really messy but I could tell they rushed to clean it up considering that all the shoes are packed to the side. One on top of the other.

I take my shoes off and look around. Even though this is my first time in this house, the whereabouts seem familiar. From their videos.

"Um.. I already know where the room is.. but I don't want to be rude.. so can someone please show me to my room?" I giggle a bit.

Simon nods. As he's about to say something JJ speaks up.
"I'll do it" he shrugs. 

He starts walking up the stairs and I make eye contact with Simon on the way up. He looks hurt.. again. It's just a room.. why? I'm so confused that I just shake it off again.

"So... Josh's room, Vikks..." he continues. "Mines down there..." he points down the hall. "You'll be in there a lot" he winks. I gasp playfully and hit his shoulder.

"I will hurt you" I laugh.
"I could hurt you.. so bad you wouldn't be able to walk.." he smirks.

"JJ!!!!!!" I yell. Probably causing Simon or josh to come check on me.

He snickers and keeps going up the stairs.

"Simons room on the left, yours on the right" I go to my room and enter. It looks exactly like Simons, except without as big of setup.

The bed is a queen size bed and a neon blue duvet. The walls are sandy and there is white carpet. Not exactly white but a dirty white colour. There is a closet next to the door and it's not the biggest but it isn't the smallest. There is an oak dresser on the right side of my bed, and on the left side there is a night stand with a white lamp and neon blue lamp shades. There is a mini setup on the left side of the bed. There is a neon blue gaming chair, like Simons but blue, a oak wood desk and 2 dell monitors.

I turn around and see JJ smiling. I also see Simon creep up behind him and scare him.

JJ jumps and screams. I just die of laughter.

"I heard... Abby scream.. and I thought.. you were raping her.." Simon says in between breaths of laughter.

"Oh my god!" I start laughing. "Im dying"

JJ just stands there pretending to be hurt.

"Oh grow up" Simon playfully spits.
"You wot m8?" He says.
"You heard me"

I'm laughing so hard I'm lying facedown on the floor clutching my stomach.

"Oh my days!" I eventually say.

"Yea.." I say standing up. "It won't take me long to unpack and everything. And I have laundry.. what do I do with it?"
I ask.

"Umm.. there's a hamper in our bathroom if you want to do that." I nod. JJ leaves knowing I was going to undress, Simon just stands there.

"Yea?" He says looking up from his phone.
"I'm changing" his face lit up red like he was embarrassed.
"Sorry!" I laugh at him.

He leaves and I change into my pyjamas. And throw my laundry into the hamper in the bathroom. I make my way downstairs to find everyone sat around in the living room. I take the only seat that's available, which is in the middle of Simon and JJ and plop myself there.

"We're going to record soon.. so I guess you can do whatever you want in the mean time." Josh speaks up and says to me.

Time flys by quick as we're all bantering about. They all left to record and I'm here sitting on the couch, on my phone, by myself.

I have nothing else to do so I go out and go for a run.. even though it's like 9 at night. Before I go I run to my room quietly and grab my pocket knife, hopefully I won't have to use it.

I put on a pair of runners and just leave in my pyjamas. Why the hell not.

~when she gets back from running~

Lately I've been doing a lot of exercise just to be healthy. No real reason besides that.

I walk through the door and take off my runners. I walk right to the kitchen to get some water. While I do so I hear JJ walk in. I grab a bottle of water and hop up on the island.

"I don't know if you care but am I aloud to be up here?" I ask politely.

" I do it all the time. You're fine" he snickers. I nod while I start drinking my water.

"Where's the others?" I ask.

"Vikks recording with some blocks and Simon and josh are doing random games."
"In the meantime do you want to get to know each other better?" He smirks.
"Depends. I'm not having sex with you." I smirk back.
"Yea. Duh. Definitely wasn't asking that.-" I roll my eyes "-truth or dare?"

"You know it" I smirk before adjusting the way I'm sitting.

(Double updates boyyyyyssss)

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