We Don't Mix But I'll Give You a Swing

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(This is a short story for now J unless i make it longer depending on my will to continue it and on the feedback I get from my readers. Please comment and rate)

 This is dedicated to my friend and loyal follower J you know who you are and yes you’re in my story J

I can’t believe my parents are shipping me to England until I can get my act together, I mean seriously what is a sixteen year old girl supposed to do there? This is bullshit don’t get me wrong sure I was hanging with the “wrong crowd” from time to time but it wasn’t like I was blowing up places with a damn bazooka!

“We love you Daniela behaves yourself and you will be able to come back” my mother said handing me the passport and important papers. My mother she was something else I never saw her as a mother she was so fake she never loved me but she put out an act and everybody believe her that she cared for me and loved me.  She was a bit chubby she had nice fair white skin, and shoulder length red hair that she dye but you could tell she was a black head since her black roots were creeping out. Her eyes were stunning though she had beautiful green emerald eyes that pierced through your soul like a knife.

“Yeah mum” I said softly gripping my necklace. I wasn’t fond of goodbyes I didn’t want to be in a stupid airport that is destine to go to England, and my mother and step dad waving me off like if I was some kind of rotten pest. I guess look at the Brightside I won’t get to see her or my perverted step dad for a long time at least that’s good right?

“All flights to England please get your ticket ready and proceeded to window 2, I repeat all flights to England please get your ticket ready and proceeded to window” Said the flight attendance.

I smiled sweetly at my parents and waved off.” Bye take care “I said not actually meaning it.

My mum waved and my stepfather just smiled halfway and nodded.

I went to window 2 and gave the chubby man my ticket he rip part of it and gave the rest to me. “Your seat is B24”he said. I nod and look for my seat I am glad I found it fast and nobody sat next to me.

I guess it won’t be that bad I mean there will defiantly be interesting things to do in England plus no parents means I can do whatever I desire, and I defiantly desire a lot I am very hard to please let’s put it that way. I was in an apartment alone well not exactly my mum found me a “roommate” to help me pay the apartment I guess I will see what type of influence my roommate might bring?

(Well I hope you like this chapter and please tell me how I can improveJ)

We Don't Mix But I'll Give You a Swing( On HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now