Chapter 23: The Drinking Games

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"Oh, hey Jen, Colin... Ryan. did you all come together?"

"No we just—" Colin began nervously.

"I get it, coincidence, I'm joking! Sean and Tanya have been here for a while already," I said, gesturing for them to come inside. Jen walked past me to hug Reece who had gotten up to see who was at the door.

"um, Colin can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course, Ryan, I'll be in there in a bit."

"Alright," he said, patting Colin on the back, "hey Savannah..."

"Hey Ryan," I waved as he brushed closely past me while walking into the living room. He had a woody, aromatic scent. It was almost like walking through a forest filled with a mixture of mango, and orange trees. He smelt absolutely amazing...

"What'd you want to talk about?"

"Huh?" Colin's words distracted me from my thoughts, "oh yeah, um... I just wanted to ask how you were, and you know if you want to talk about last night..."

"Listen, last night, two adults got drunk... that's all that happened."

"But Colin I need to tell you—"

"There's nothing to say," he interrupted, "c'mon, let's go."

He attempted to put an arm around me, but I dodged it and walked into the living room.

"Hey, I have an idea," Reece announced, "we're gonna watch season 2 of Once Upon a Time, and every time Hook flirts, or gets flirted with, we'll drink."

"Sounds splendid," Sean replied.

"We're all gonna be in a coma by the time this is over," Ryan said, making everyone laugh.

"Cheers ladies and gents!" Sean said, raising a glass, and clanking his into ours, as Reece began season 2.

We ended up watching most of the season that night, skipping through some, but stopping because if we didn't we really would be in comas right now.

The next drinking game was Ryan's idea. He suggested we play spin the bottle, which was quickly modified to spin the bottle and ask a question to the other person. We decided to leave out the kissing part and replace it with questions, since we didn't want to cause any relationship problems or fights that night. The only rules were once you spun and it landed on someone, the question you asked had to be something you would never ask if you were sober. If they answered, it was their turn, if they didn't, they had to drink a shot of Cocoroco... a drink made up of 96% alcohol, and they could only mix it with a tiny amount of another fruity liquor.

"I'll go first," Reece slurred. He spun the bottle and it landed on me, "Savannah! Did you ever have feelings for me?"

"No," I said bluntly.

"Really? not even a little bit?"

"Never have, never will Reece," I stated, "my turn!" The bottle spun and landed on Ryan.

"Uh, Ryan... I don't really know you, so I don't really know what to ask—"

"Looks like you'll be taking a shot then!"

"No thank you!" I said, "I can come up with something..."

"Tick tock..."

"Ha, funny," I smiled, "how about your phone number?"

"Alright," he agreed, smirking, and writing it down on a napkin which he then handed to me, "I guess it's my turn then..."

The bottle landed on Sean.

"Sean, I've known you for less than 24 hours so I hope you don't hate me after this! My question would have to be, how's your sex life with a kid around?"

Everyone began laughing at the fact that Ryan even asked that question.

"Hey, it was a serious question, you know, future reference..."

"Yeah, like you're ever going to settle down Ryan," Colin stated.

"You're right, but just in case..."

Everyone was giggling and hiding their smiles.

"It's great thanks for asking," Sean said, still fighting back the laughter, "ok now, my turn to spin."

The bottle landed on Colin...

"Well, since we seem to be getting personal... Who's the last person you had sex with?"

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