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Yoongi dashed downstairs and said goodbye to his mom.

It was finally the first day of summer and Yoongi was going to enjoy it.

He got out the door and let the warm summer air hit him.

He made his way to his favorite bubble tea shop were his best friend, Jimin, worked.

He got in and smirked at Jimin. "So. First day of summer huh."

"Shut up. I do it for the money." Yoongi chuckled and ordered. "I'll be on my break in two minutes so you better wait for me asshole."

Yoongi gasped. "You're treating a valued customer like this? Were is your manager!"

Jimin stuck his tongue out at him. "Leave."

Yoongi sat down at one of the tables made for two. He got his phone out and swiped through his notifications.

Many people just commented 'daddy' on his posts. He rolled his eyes and kept scrolling.

"Yah. Here pabo." Jimin gave Yoongi his bubble tea. "Extra green jellies just like you like it." The store bell rung making the two look at the figure.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."

Yoongi covered his face and looked down. "Holy fuck he's hotter in person." He murmured to himself.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked while taking his apron off.

Yoongi gave him his phone which was opened to his Instagram DM.

"Oh shit that's him?" Jimin yelled making everyone in the store look at the two.

"I fucking hate you so much Park Jimin."

Jimin smirked. Yoongi blushed and kept his head down. "Die in a damn hole. See that's why Jungkook rejected you and went with Tae."

Jimin kept the smirk on his face. "I'm gonna cut those ugly ass eyebrows off your damn ugly ass face Jimin."

"Wow chill. Off limits from my face."

Yoongi sighed and watched as the so called "Hoseok" made his way to their table.

"Yoongi? You're a lot cuter in person."

ASDFGHJKL. Yoongi blushed deeply and smiled at him.

"T-thanks." Jimin gave Yoongi his phone back and stood up. "Will you look at that! I should go back home. Bye Yoongi~"

Jimin bowed at Hoseok and left the store. Hoseok sat on the now empty chair.

"Stop looking down. You're eyes should be on me."

Yoongi blushed even harder if it was possible. He felt like a tomato even though he was drinking a cold drink.

"Aigoo! I barely know you why am I acting like this!"

Hoseok smiled and damn Yoongi almost fainted. His teeth were so beautiful and he had dimples and shit. He was perfect for him.

"So then let's get to know each other."

Is it good cause it sound really bad to me ;-;

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