Containment Part 17

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Sean POV

It has been almost three days since we started giving Sang the antidote. I think that we have made more advancement in these three days than we have in the past five years.

We can tell by her brain functions that she is still human, and the fever that reached up to 105 has finally broken. All of her tests appear normal so we think that is safe to bring her out of sedation to see if what side effects she may be having. In some respects I almost hope that she has the amnesia, and has forgotten the past five years.

I give her the shot and wait.

Sang POV

I hear voices all around me and my eyes do not feel as heavy as they were. I open them and come see North sitting beside me. My anger flashes at the fact that he is holding my hand.

I pull my hand out of his and push his head off my body. My throat is on fire, but I am still able to say, "I thought that you were smarter than this North. I meant what I said that I would kill you if you touched me again."

He appears startled and says, "How are you feeling Baby? Everyone has been worried about you."

"I need some water," I say to him softly.

He gives me a bottle of water and I drink the whole thing. It soothes my throat so I am able to say to him, "Am I well enough to travel? I want you to open this cage that I am trapped in and I want to leave."

North looks at me and says, "Tell me about her."

I look at him and say, "You don't deserve to know anything about her. You left me and you left her. I hate you, I hate you all. Where is Ben? Why isn't he in here with me right now? What have you done with him? The only reason that he would not be sitting where you are right now is because you are keeping him from me? He would not abandon me like you did."

North glares at me and says, "Ben is getting cleaned up and getting something to eat. I will go get him."

A few minutes later Ben, Sean and Gabe walk into the cage. Ben grabs my hand and says, "How are you feeling?"

I look up at him and say, "A little weak, but I am ready to go. Let's get out of here."

Sean looks at me and says, "Are you in pain? What about your memory, what do you recall?"

I glare at him and say, "No I am not in pain, and if you are asking if I remember you and Owen turning your backs on me and abandoning me five years ago, yes I do. I remember every second of what it felt like."

Ben looks at Sean and says, "It seems to have worked. Do you have all the documents on the final formula?"

Sean looks at Ben and says, "Yes, we have documented everything. She may hate us, but Sang has not turned. It looks like the antidote is finally finished."

Ben looks at Sean and says, "Then it is a good day for everyone."

Ben looks back at me and says, "I know that you will hate me for a few minutes Lil Darlin', but I need to keep you in the cage so you won't try to run away before I can finish what I need to. "He then steps out and locks the cage.


"I need for everyone to gather around close enough for Sang to hear," I say to everyone in the room.

They all move towards me at the door to the cage as I pull out the pictures of Star.

"There are things that you will not understand, and honestly you won't remember it so I am not going to spend time explaining i.e. am passing around a picture. The little girl in this picture is the key to saving your world. Her name is Star and she is Sang and North's child. She was conceived the night before the infection occurred. While you will not remember the last five years, you will know that Star was conceived, and you will not allow yourselves to be separated from Sang. When you are standing at the buses, Mr. Matthews will attempt to have you put Sang on the civilian bus to Emperton, but you will not allow yourselves to be separated from her. Do not ever let your feelings of keeping Sang safe, override your feelings of love and the need to keep her by your side. Family first."

I then pull out the canister of gas that will render then all unconscious. Kiara and Cameron appear and take all of the notes and documents for the antidote. They look at the group that is laying on the ground.

Kiara looks at Cameron and says, "Well I am glad that is finally over, but I will say that you did look cute as a caterpillar and a goat."

Cameron looks at Kiara and says, "I don't want to repeat that, but at least I was cute. Where in the crap did you come up with the Bunny of Evil, and the spork? You also put out there the evil koala and evil sloth. I hope that those characters are formally retired."

I look over at the two of them and say, "Will you two stop it. Help me get them loaded in the tardis so the doctor can perform the reset."

After getting everyone in the tardis I look over at the Doctor and say, "You will get them back to the right time?"

The doctor replies, "Yes. I would have liked to go back to before the infection, but there are too many variables and we cannot risk that Star would not be conceived. That means they will have the infection to deal with, but with the notes for the antidote, Sean and Gabe will be able to create the cure much faster this time around. It will be a rough couple of months for them, but their civilization will rebuild and they will be able to return to creating the plan."

I look at him and say, "We will keep a better eye on them this time."

The Doctor looks at me and says, "I know you will be watching, but I lay odds that those boys will not make the same mistake of letting her go again. Get out of the tardis so I can do the reset."

I look down at a sleeping Sang and give her one last kiss saying, "Till we meet again Lil Darlin'."

Drabbles and Containment by A Forum UserWhere stories live. Discover now