Containment Part 13

Start from the beginning

We pulled up to what looked like an abandoned house, but I could see that security cameras that were strategically placed around, I wonder if they have electricity and running water? That is a luxury that I have lived without for five years. I was immediately put on the defensive when I saw two men coming out of the house with guns drawn. They both looked older, but I immediately recognized them as Raven and Marc, two of the members of another Academy team from Charleston. Marc was the patient that I removed the nail from his leg when I was working with Dr. Green at the hospital.

If we had more supplies and ration cards I would have left immediately. The foreshadowing of what I knew was coming would have been enough to crush Sang, but I was no longer the same person. Sang died a year ago and now I went by the name Dark Angel. The only thing going through my mind right now was did they know who they had hired?

I climbed out of the truck and waited until Ben was standing beside me before acknowledging Marc and Raven. They eyed me suspiciously and Raven said, "I was told we hired a badass. I was expecting someone... taller."

It took me less than two seconds to pounce. I kicked his knee forward while grabbing his hair. Even though he was at least a foot taller than me, I had him on the ground with my knife at his throat before his expression could change. Applying two fingers to the pressure points on his wrist caused him to drop his gun and I tossed it to Bonbon caught the gun in his left hand because his own gun was in his right hand, placed against Marc's head.

Ben says behind me, "Lil Darlin we don't have full payment yet, and I don't think that we will get it if you kill the first person that you meet."

Others approached from the house, and then I heard someone say "You have proven yourself, now if you want to hear about the rest of the mission lower your weapons. Otherwise I will kill you here, your choice."

I looked up into the face of the person that was speaking and made eye contact. I glared at him as I said, "You think that you can kill me? There are many before you that thought they could and I am the one left standing. Do it, come on, what are your waiting for, finish the job that you started five years ago!"

The gun that was pointed at me is lowered, and North says, "Sang Baby, we thought you were dead."

I take the knife away from Raven's throat and stand up. I look back at North and say, "I don't know who you think that you are talking to. My name is not Sang is it Dark Angel. I knew someone named Sang once, but you are right, she did die. Ben, you have asked so many times about my past, and I refused to answer you. Well now you have a face, meet one of them. Sang had nine people that she loved and trusted with her life, but they wound up being the true executions. You had to fire the shot, but this is one of the people that I blame for having to put the gun in your hand."

I turn and look at Marc and say, "You have five minutes to tell me what the rests of the plan is, and it better not include teaming up with any of them. Follow me." I glare at North as I am walking away.


I am not sure what just happened, but it was obvious that Sang knew the people that were in this house. Two of the men go off after Sang while the dark hair man asks me to follow him into the house.

North looked at me and said, "My name is North and my associates were Raven and Marc."

I responded, "My name is Ben and from the greeting she gave you, I am guessing that y'all know my associate. What is the story? Did y'all know it was her before you chose her for this mission?"

North looks at me and says, "We knew Sang before the infection."

I look at him and say, "Why did y'all wait so long to try and find her, and why the cloak and dagger routine now?"

Drabbles and Containment by A Forum UserWhere stories live. Discover now