3. New Friends, Old Enemies

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      I was frozen, but then Knockout said, "Y/N come on, we need to report back to Megatron, before he thinks we are never coming back." Knockout said as he walked into the ground bridge, and I followed him through the portal.

      "My liege if you need me, you know where I am." Knockout said while walking out of the room.

      "Lord Megatron, I have obtained my vehicle form, is there anything else you require me to do?" Y/N said enthusiastically.

      "No, you may take a wonder about the warship. I will call upon you, when I need you." Megatron responded. After that, I found Breakdown in the hallways.

      "Hey Breakdown! Where's is the Medic's room?" Y/N asked.

      "Just take two lefts, then a right, and you should be at the door." Breakdown said.

      "Alright, thanks!" Y/N responded. I followed Breakdown's instructions, and suddenly, I saw him. "Hey, I am looking for the doc, or is that you?" Y/N asked.

      "I am the doc, what do you need?" Knockout asked.

      "Oh well, this will be embarrassing then. I need you to well," Y/N nervously said.

      "What? I won't judge, promise." Knockout said.

      "Well, it's a injury Arcee and Bulkhead gave me." Y/N said. As my armor plates came off, Knockout's face changed fast. My leg was torn to pieces, but armor hides that kind of injuries. It shows how fierce and strong I am.

      "Yikes...I can fix it, it's a simple injury." Knockout said with reassure, which made me comfortable. I was scared, but for some reason he was calm made me calm.

      "Thanks, again." Y/N said, while blushing tomato red.

      "Heh, it's fine. I am the medic it is my job." Knockout said while trying to keep his cool. Obviously, he wasn't doing very good at it because I could tell, but if he was blushing then that's means I was too. I guess I am a tiny bit embarrassed, but not really. It's hard to explain. Besides that, he was almost finished done fixing up my injury. 

      "Knockout, you said you would help me learn to buff, to look like a hot rod. So, what about now?" Y/N said.

      "Are you ever going to let that go?" Knockout said with lust smile.

      "No, but can you help me with the buffing?" Y/N said. Then all the sudden I heard a beep from Knockout's audio receptors.

      "Sorry not now, they just found a new energon deposit, also your leg is repaired. I need to go now, what about later?" Knockout said with his signature smirk once again.

      As he was walking out Y/N said, "Yeah later, later." All I could think about was how weird I was acting, I was so different around him then I was around Breakdown or Starscream. I just don't know what is wrong with me. I started walking down the hall, when I heard metal hitting metal. "Oh it's Airachnid....you" Y/N said in a vile voice.

       "Y/N!! I thought you were dead!" Airachnid said.

      "Many did, but I rather not think about the past. Keep your head in the future, not the past. I will extinguish your spark, for what you did to my fleet!" Y/N said in anger. She is my greatest enemy, she killed my whole entire fleet, I was the last one to survive, from her.

      "You should be saying that to yourself, you're going to pay for your crimes!!" Airachnid yelled.

      "My crimes? You killed every single assassin in that fleet, with no regrets. One after another, some how I survived your monstrous wrath." Y/N yelled in fear. After that, she was pinning me to the ground, she always had a weakness when she pins you down. As soon as she was going to bring me down, I got right back up and punch her in the stomach. She landed on her right on her rear, before she could get up I punch her, once again, in the stomach.

      Then she got up, but all of the sudden, Breakdown comes and punches both of us. "Do you two have any common sense?" Breakdown yelled.

      "Ow BREAKDOWN! I can't believe you hit me, what do you mean common sense?." Y/N said in anger.

      "BREAKDOWN!" Airachnid yelled. Breakdown punched her again, she was out.

      "Do either of you want to be kicked off this vessel? Y/N you just got on this vessel. I suggest that you keep these rivalry out of the warship, and on the battle field!" Breakdown shouted.

      "Uh yeah, that's actually something a smart con would do, thanks." Y/N said. After that little battle, I was barely hit nor damaged. Breakdown was smart to stop us, but that really hurt. I don't like his hammer, now. After that I roamed the halls for a little while, I was really just wandering around the place. I just really needed to cool myself down, from my little interference with Airachnid. I had old enemies, but I made new friends.

My Past Attacks My Future | Knockout X Female Transformer Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن