I Think i'm in love with My Best Friend. One Problem: My Best Friend Is a GIRL!!!

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A/N ok dudes... my first attempt so please tell me what you think in the comments below. I need to know if I should keep going or if this is a total fail n I should just give up now lol. .... Ok here goes....


Chapter One

Ben and Jerry's ice-cream makes everything better

I never once in my life thought I would fall in love and I never wanted to either. Love is for people who need guys beside them to feel secure and depend on, I don't need anyone to depend on cause I'm independent and that's the way I like it. To me, love never existed because in the books it was way too good to be true and not to mention love always ends badly.Always. Either the guy cheats, abuses you, leaves you, pressures you, treats you like shit, uses you and even if it all goes to plan and everything does turn out right, one of you end up dyeing in the end and your life goes back to being fucking shit again! If you let your heart win, it will break. I'm not saying my heart isn't broken because my heart was never fixed for it to be broken in the first place. Guys are just assholes cause what they do for fun is break hearts and I hate watching guys breaking hearts and girls running off and crying over romantic movies and Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. I always wondered what it would be like if I was the boy in the relationship and sometimes I even wished I was the boy in the relationship because I bet I could be a better boyfriend than any boy ever could. I guess I should start at the start and let you know how despite all the points I just made I actually did fall in love and it was with the last person I ever expected.


My phone vibrated against my night stand, I picked it up and looked at caller ID,

Kyra was phoning.

Kyra was my best friend; we were both alike in many ways although she was also different from me in some ways too. She was boy crazy, dependent, easily heart broken, oh and not to mention, she believed in love. I was more of the person to be independent, protective and not easily walked on by guys unless they wanted to die.

Kyra was also beautiful, she had chocolate brown eyes, curly chocolate brown hair to match her eyes with blonde tips at the bottom and her hair was just below her shoulders. She had clear skin that was tanner than mine because I was pale white. She had little freckles on her nose and gorgeous lips. I had clear, pale skin, shoulder length blonde layered hair and grey eyes; there wasn't much to me.

I put my book down, lowered my music and answered the phone.

"Hey Kyra, what's up?" I said with a smile in my voice.

"E-Eva." I suddenly sat up, hearing the sobs in her voice.

"Kyra are you OK? What's wrong?!" like I said before, I was protective, especially over Kyra since she was constantly getting her heart broke and I was only in the making of training her not to trust guys.

"It-It's Ch-Charlie" she let out a little cry "He br-broke up with me." She cried some more. I cursed under my breath and set a reminder in my head to kick the fuck out of Charlie. Charlie was Kyra's boyfriend, he was hot I have to admit but he was a total player and was just putting on an act for Kyra, I seen through his act in two seconds but still she was convinced he had changed, I pretended to like him for Kyra's sake but the truth was it wasn't only him I hated, it was all her boyfriends, I just knew they would walk all over Kyra and I would be the one picking up the pieces when they were gone.

I Think I'm in Love With My Best Friend, One Problem: My Best Friend is a GIRL!?!Where stories live. Discover now