Christmas special (Fem!Nordics x reader)

Start from the beginning

"Me next! Me next!" Marie yelled and dove under the tree to grab one of the presents labeled to her. She smiled and exclaimed that it was to her from Liv. It was a fairly large box, which must have been why Marie picked it, she honestly still thought like a kid. Bigger must = better. She tore through the wrapping paper and ripped open the box like some sort of predator eating for the first time in days. She looked confused as there was nothing in the box. Liv insisted that there was and that she needed to reach to the bottom on the box. And so Marie reached to the bottom of the box and pulled out a piece of paper. She read it out loud "Fuck you." And Liv's face cracked into a smile. You couldn't help smiling yourself.

The next present was Tina's present for Beatrix, which was a small box wrapped in light blue and white stripped wrapping paper. When Beatrix opened the box the smiled and turned it around to show the rest of you. It was a silver broach with some sort of floral design and a pink jewel in he middle. It was beautiful. Emilia sighed and threw a smaller sized box at Liv, facing away from everyone as she did so. Liv smiled, even though Emilia couldn't see her (actually probably especially because Emilia couldn't see her) and started undoing the red ribbon. Liv opened the box to see a paper with Emilia's cursive writing on it that said "Free sister bonding time coupon. Only to be used once". Emilia was still facing away from Liv, so she had to hug her from behind.

"Here." Liv said and handed Emilia a box that was about the same size as the one Emilia had given to Liv. Emilia opened the box to see a piece of paper with words that would make any introvert happy. "I bought a subscription to Netflix for you." Emilia hugged Liv with a huge smile. Tina picked up a box and read the label, smiling to herself when she realized that it was from you. She carefully opened the purple paper to see a box from an expensive jewelry store. Tina popped the box open and looked at the silver necklace you got her before squealing and running over to hug you, exclaiming that she loves it about twenty times as she did so.

"Your turn again." Beatrix said in her monotone voice as she handed you a box. You smiled and accepted, peeling the wrapping off and trying to figure out what if was before you finished taking off the wrapping paper. You smiled widely as soon as you realized what it was. It was a box filled with dvds of every single season of south park. You and Beatrix would always get together on weekends and watch episodes together so getting all the seasons from her seemed reasonable. You hugged her and thanked her but Marie had already grabbed a box and started ripping it open. Marie paused for a second to tell everyone that it was from you before ripping the rest of the paper off. As soon as she read the box and realized what it was she turned to you with the biggest grin possible. When you were visiting your family in canada, you bought beer to bring back for Marie and you were too lazy to give her another gift so you just went with that but she seems really happy so you weren't going to argue with that.

The rest of them opened their presents from each other and that left only the ones from you and the ones to you. You insisted that they be allowed to open the presents first and no one argued with you. You watched them open the boxes and watched as grins formed on all of their faces. Emilia got a lot of books from you, including but not limited to Cinder, Dorothy Must Die,  and Matched. (your author's personal suggestions). You got Liv christmas lights but put a note saying that it was for her room because she would always send you pictures of people with lights like that in their rooms and say that it was goals, she seemed happy with that so. You and Tina had very similar minds about what to get Beatrix because you got her a broach as well, expect the one you got her was gold with a white jewel. You had also given Emilia's puffin a cute little christmas themed bow tie and obviously a dog toy for Tina's dog.

Once everyone thanked you for your gifts, you started opening their's. There was a specific order apparently, or at least you were told to open Marie's last. You opened Liv's, which was the biggest. It was galaxy patterned bed sheets and covers. You smiled at her because the both of you got stuff to make your bedrooms more aesthetic. Then Tina left to go get your present. She came back with a cute little dog with brown patches on its face and body. You smiled and hugged the doggy, deciding to name it after your favourite fictional character. Then Marie handed you a small box. You unwrapped it to see that it was a glossy wood box that could open easily. When you opened it you saw a key. You looked up at Marie confused but still smiled.

"It's the key to the attic. We know that you hate living in that tiny dorm room... So we fixed up the attic into a bedroom... _________  we want you to move in with us." Marie explained. You nodded and initiated a group hug, which Emilia was pretending to hate but actually loved. After the group hug ended, Liv stayed next to you to talk to you. The two of you looked up when you heard Beatrix say nothing other than mistletoe. You shrugged and pulled Liv close to you. It was a christmas tradition, what could you do? When you pulled away, Liv was blushing and Marie was yelling that it was her turn to kiss you next. Emilia made a comment about her wanting to kiss you as well. Then Tina said it was unfair that everyone but her got to kiss you. All while Beatrix just sighed and looked completely done with everyone. As soon as no lips were left unkissed, you all walked into the kitchen to start making dinner. Which honestly Marie will probably fuck up again and you'll all have to eat microwaveable meals like you had to do last year and the year before that.

Ok so quick(ish) a/n. So I'm actually starting to do real writing and less fanfic type stuff. So if you actually like my writing no matter what type of writing then please go check out my other account unironic-carrot where I write a lot about murder, the paranormal, and the gays. Currently I'm writing a kind of parody story about a group of gods that are essentially useless but want people to care about them so they go on a mission. A story about a serial killer who has to deal with the stress of not getting caught by the police but also the stress of high school life. And also a story about three paranormal friends who are creatures worshipped by cults but everyone think they're just normal kids. So yea, If any of those interest you please go check them out and just go check out that account even if it doesn't interest you. You might end up liking it anyway. Idk. I'm shit at selling myself.

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