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Blood on my hands, my shirt and everywhere....

Blood that was not even mine but was more precious than mine....

Blood that was of the person for whom I could bleed to death...

Blood of my life....

Blood of my Arzoo.

Everything changed in the blink of an eye. All thoughts , all reasons, all understanding escaped me when I saw her lying in pool of blood across the road. I rushed towards her and picked her up in my arms and the last thing I heard from her mouth while I was rushing her to hospital was my name.

And the only thought in my mind was I can't loose her.

For past one hour I am waiting outside the ER in the hospital where doctors are treating her and hanging on thread for doctors to come out and tell me how my princess is. I didn't wanted to leave her alone but Shaurya, our friend who was head of the department here, said I would only be trouble to doctors who were trying to help her, putting her more at risk so I went out and have been waiting since and praying with every breath for Arzoo to be fine. I can't live without her. She is the reason of my existence.

Suddenly the door opened and Shaurya walked out with few other doctors. I could read it from his face that i wasn't going to like what I will hear. I rushed to him.

"How is she? Is she ok? Can I see her? Where..." I started questioning him

"Lakshya calm down. We are trying our best" he said holding me by my shoulder

"What do you mean trying your best. Why is she not ohk already" I loosing my calm and patience and calm with every passing second.

"She needs you brother, calm down. Come with me to my cabin. We need to talk"

I knew I was not going to be of any use if I loose my calm now. My panicking is not going to help her. I need to stay strong for her. I nodded at him and he led the way to his cabin.

"How is she doing? What aren't you telling me?" I asked sitting on the chair.

"Lakshya due to the hit Arzoo has lost a lot of blood. We were successful in stopping the internal bleeding for now but her Injuries need surgery" he told me sitting opposite to me.

"She has two broken ribs. A concussion in head. Her ankle has hairline fracture and..." he hesitated telling me further

"And??" I asked, dread creeping in my bones.

"Due to the force with which she has been hit her uterus has suffered major injury. We have stopped the internal bleeding temporarily but to save her we will have to operate and remove it."

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