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Arzoo's POV

I was preparing to surpise Lakshya and tell him how much I love him when suddenly Rishab bhai came in. He seemed to have run a marathon.

"What happened dada" I asked a little worried

"Zoo Lakshya is going back to India and he said he will never come back" he said breaking my heart

I fell on the bed with thud

"He can't leave me. I love him. He can't walk away from me" I said with tears escaping my eyes immediately.

"You took too long to realize that sis. He is going forever" bhai said

"No I won't let him. I will stop him. I will tell him how much I love him and ask for his forgiveness for leaving him " I said and got up and ran out of the room to stop him

I heard bhai calling my name but I did not stop to listen. All I wanted right now was to rush to Lakshya and tell him how much I love him and stop him from going and there was no stoping me now.

I am coming Lakshya. I am coming for you.

Lakshya's POV

I got and important call from Dad. He told me that we had cracked the Airlines deal which we had been trying to get from a very long time. This was a ground breaker deal for us as it will not only pave our ways in Aviation sector but also would also put us at the top of the chain. For the deal to be finally signed all the board members were compulsorily required to be present and being the Managing director I was bound to. I didn't wanted to leave Arzoo alone but this was very important for our company and it was just a two days affair after which I had all the time to play the little game of chasing my princess. I called her to tell her about y leaving as I knew my princess would worry herself to death if I left without informing her but when I called her Rishab answered her call and told me that she was sleeping so I decided not to wake her up and tell her when she wakes up. So I told rishab that I was going to India for two days to sign the deal and will be back soon and asked him to tell Arzoo to not to worry, I will call her when I reach there.

So now I was sitting on the airport to board my private jet. Due to some whether issues there was a little delay. I was sitting in my private lounge and going through all the clauses of the contract to be signed when I suddenly heard I a little commotion outside the lounge. At first I did not pay attention but the ruckus was getting a little louder so I asked Bran my bodyguard to look for the reason. I could see my security team stopping a person but I could not see who it was as the security details were blocking my view. I was trying to see who it was when suddenly Brand ran up to me and asked me to come along with him immediately. I went along with him.

The view in front of me made my eyes drop out of their socket.

I saw Arzoo threatening my security details to give them a ninja kick if they did not let her go just now. Watching her trying to be scary to guys who where three times her size was the most amusing one. She was giving them all the colorful threats. Seeing my security finding it hard to stop her without hurting her I rushed towards them.

"Let her go right now" my voice boomed above all the commotions

They immediately left Arzoo and her eyes found mine. As soon as saw me she ran towards me and hugged me as if her life depended on me. I was shocked but recovered soon when I heard her sobbing in my chest. I immediately hugged her tightly to me. Seeing her sobbing immediately alerted me with worry.

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