Chapter-9 [Edited]

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"You need to come out of this room kiddo. I have given you your space for the past 3 days. But I can't see you wasting yourself here. Come on I have ordered all your favorite food." I tried coaxing Arzoo to have some food since she has not had a proper meal in the last three days.

"I am not hungry dada" she replied wiping her tears (दादा: use for addressing Brother)

I walked up to her and sat beside her on the floor "I know how you feeling bachha. Just call him. He must be as miserable as you, if not more. I know you don't want to talk about why you left but you can't be holed up here all the time. It's not going to get better that way. Think about dadi, how hurt would she be to see you this way" I tried convincing her.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed, her tears still dripping from her eyes. I encircled her in my arms. I am so glad I found her at the airport before she left to god knows where. I remember I had a meeting in Delhi and I was due to return to Australia that same day. I was sitting in the VIP Lounge at airport waiting for my private jet to take me back when I suddenly saw Arzoo from across the window sitting in a coffee shop. She seemed to be sitting alone.

Arzoo was the only sibling and family I had known since my childhood. My dad was Arzoo's father's cousin. They were more close than blood brother but after Arzoo's father remarried things started changing. It started with small arguments and then one day My dad and her dad fell out in epic proportions and we shifted to Australia. My dad started his business here and in a short time my family became one the most influential and rich people in Australia. But even after everything I never stopped loving Arzoo, she was my baby sister and she was always going to be so. She used to sneak out of her house and call me when know one was seeing. But she was caught one day and was brutally abused by her step mom. My mom and dad loved her a lot even when our families drifted apart. But after that incident my mom cautioned me to stay away from her for her well being. But even then we always called each other whenever we could. When I was 9 my parents died in plane crash and I was left all alone. I start drifting away from everyone. Later I found out grammy took Arzoo away with her. I was happy for her. I was too devastated by my mom and dad's death and had to grow up pretty quick but even then on every Rakshabandhan Arzoo never forgot to send me Rakhi. I to this day proudly wear all her rakhi's. She sent me letter too once or twice a year and tell me all about her and her prince charming Lakshya and I would write her back teasing her about her prince charming and telling her how much I love her. I had already investigated about Lakshya and his family and I found out that he and his family really loved my sister. Arzoo made me promise that I would see Lakshya only when I personally met them both. So I never saw him as per my promise.

As soon as I saw her I walked up to her but nothing would have prepared me for what I saw when I walked up to her. Her face covered in tears, her eyes swollen telling me that she has been crying for a while now. She looked so lost it broke me to see me like this. I immediately pulled her in my arms hugging her.

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