Chapter 3 [Edited]

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"A million stars up in the sky

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"A million stars up in the sky

One shines brighter I can't deny

A love so precious a love so true

a love that comes from me to you

The angels sing when you are near

Within your arms I have nothing to fear

You always know just what to say

just talking to you makes my day

I love you honey with all of my heart

Together forever and never to part."

Waking up to the poster holding these words was one of the ways for me to start a perfect morning. There were no words more well written than these. After all, she was my angel and contrary to what people might think she was the one protecting me from all the darkness around. She just knew the perfect words to tell me when I was down and soothe me in ways I didn't even know I needed. She was the light that guided me through the dark and I was enslaved to her till my last breath.

Sleeping around pink cushions wasn't an ideal waking up scenario for me but if it meant I get to see my princess's face first thing in the morning then hell I don't mind sleeping in the pink swamp. She was sleeping like an angel with her mouth open in a little O and her hairs ruffled on her face. There was no view more peaceful to watch than this. I sometimes stay awake at late at night just to see her sleep. There is no trouble in the world that does not ease itself when I see her sleeping so careless to the world, calm and peaceful. Although I might have inherited this habit from my dad who loves watching my mother sleep. When I was a kid and sometimes use to sneak out of the room to get myself some ice-cream I on various occasions caught my dad just caressing my mother's hair on his lap and watching her sleep, it never made sense to me then but now I know the peace it gives. I moved her hair from her face and kissed her on her forehead. I turned to look at the clock and see it was 9. Arzoo and I had a late-night yesterday, one of our childhood friend Devansh threw a birthday party at a club his family owned and the party went on a bit late usually Arzoo doesn't accompany to such parties as she doesn't like the loud music or the booze, which were a must factors of these parties. She rather preferred staying home with mom and learn to cook something new or stay at her art studio and paint and not trying to sound hypocrite or male chauvinist but I also preffered her not mingling with such crowd. It wasn't because I didn't trust her but because Arzoo was too innocent to be tainted by such things. But since Devansh was also her childhood friend and loved her like his sister, she accepted the invitation and went with me.

We came back around 1 and as I had a very busy day and the booze wasn't helping Arzoo made me stay over and we both changed and crashed on her bed and were out as light. It wasn't the first time I and Arzoo were sharing the same room or same bed. We use to sleep next to each other since we were kids. But it was as innocent as it gets not because we didn't have an opportunity or will but my angel was too precious to be treated that way and I wanted our first time to special and memorable because my angle deserved nothing short to best. Many talked about us behind our backs but I never bothered them to explain because the people I care about knew the truth and the rest, well I give a Shit.....I also never denied the allegations or explained anything because this way it sent a clear message that my princess was out of their reaching limits and was mine and mine alone.

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