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Lakshya's POV

I was feeling like killing myself a hundred times after seeing her leaving my cabin in tears. I was the one who would bloody murder anyone who even looked at her with a hurtful thought but today I was the one who was the reason behind her tears. The thought was killing me every minute but I had to stop myself from going after her. It took everything in me to not run after her and hold her in my arms. I love her so much but has stubbornness has led me to take this step.

I knew what she was up to by faking her engagement with Aiden. She just wanted me to believe that she has moved on in her life so that I too can move on in my life. But it was high time for her to accept her that she loves me and there is no going back from our relationship. I want her to realize how much she loves me and how stupid it was of her to try leaving. So I decided to trick her in her own game. But hurting her is causing me more pain than her. Its killing me to see her like this.

Why does she has to be so stubborn.

The moment Arzoo walked out of my cabin, I pushed away the slut who was trying to seduce me. I was just trying to make Arzoo jealous. I had no interest in her. Her touch was making me want to puke. No one but Arzoo was allowed to touch me so when she tried touching me I literally threw her out of my office. I knew I was being a jerk but she was just paid to pose as my girlfriend and not to make a move on me and the idea of anyone else but Arzoo being near me did not go well with me.

Damn I just have to get done with the plan as soon as possible because if I had to pretend not to care for Arzoo for too long I will be losing my mind and end up doing something really stupid. I was interrupted in my thought by Elliot, my secretary.

"Sir the Mr. Darcy's team has asked for your confirmation for today's charity". Ahh I hate these charity events, the only good thing about them was the cause for which they were held plus Mr. Darcy, whose wife owned this NGO helping kids from Dyslexia and Down Syndrome, was dad's very old friend and had asked me to come especially as dad was not present here.

" Ya send them my confirmation " I instructed him

"And sir the investors are waiting for you in the board room" he added further

"I will be joining them shortly" I told him and with that he left me

This project wit the dream construction was not just the biggest joint venture but was also a massive working project. I and Rishab were working our asses off for this project and there was still so much more left to be done, as we wanted it to be perfect. So wearing my blazer I left to meet with the investors.

Arzoo's POV

I am being forced right now by Aiden to go with him to some charity even. He didn't wanted to go there alone. His precise words were "why should he suffer alone seeing ancient faces all evening". Well he hates these charity functions as much as I do and as he does not want to get bored alone so he is dragging me there as it is important for him to attend the function.

So right now I am waiting for him to come and pick me up and that idiot is late again. I was about to call him when I heard him calling me

"I am here, I am here"

"Sorry I am late" he said opening the car door for me

"What's new" I replied

"Hey I don't always get late" he said getting inside the car

"Really" I turned towards him and arched my eyebrows up, looking at him accusingly

"ohk maybe sometimes" I was still looking at him with my raised eyebrows

"Fine woman all the time" he admitted huffing and I just rolled my eyes at his attic and turned away.

"But I can't be blamed. It is not an easy job to look handsome all the time" I asked him

I just rolled my eyes at his dramatics. Arrogant jerk

"So tell me again why am I going to this Charity event" I asked him

"Firstly because it's a couple entry and second because it's going to be really boring and I don't want to suffer alone" he said smiling arrogantly

"Why do you want to drag me in something so boring. You know how much I hate these things" I complained

"And that's exactly why I am taking you with me. You have been a pain in my arse lately. Because of you I have to do so much damage control with some people. So why should I suffer alone." He said smiling

"I hate you for doing this to me" I said poking out my tongue at him

"They say Karma is a Bitch" he smiled evilly at me.

We soon reached the venue where the charity was held. With the help of Aiden's and my security team we made it inside safely from the swamp of media outside clicking and asking hundreds of question. Aiden introduced me to Mr. Darcy and his wife who were holding the charity. They were nice couple in their late fifties. We talked to them for a while and after that Aiden introduced me to a few more people. Aiden was introducing me to one of his business competitor when I saw Lakshya with the same blond women I saw today in his office. She was clinging to his arms and somehow watching her so close to him was making me angry

'you could have been there, had you not been so dumb' my inner self mocked me

After a while Aiden went to bring some drinks for me and him. I was trying to avoid Lakshya and that girl but I was failing miserably. Aiden came back with drinks and we started talking or with him talking and me pretending to listen to him. all my attention was on Lakshya and that girl. I know it was my choice to walk away but seeing him with someone else was not just hurting but was infuriating me too. All I wanted to do was pull that girl away from Lakshya and tell her to never to come near him again as he was just mine and Mine alone.

After a while Aiden had to leave me alone as he was dragged by some investors who were interested in his projects and wanted to talk with him. I was feeling thirsty so I went toward the bar to get myself a drink when I saw that girl trying to get all cozy with my Lakshya. I felt so angry that instead of ordering a orange juice I asked the guy the bar to get me tequila shots. I didn't realize how many shots was I taking in anger but I think after 4 or 5 I started feeling a light headed. Even Lakshya's eyes were at me now. He didn't looked very pleased. In fact he was looking angry but who cares as long as that girl was still clinging to him. I was going to have another shot and it looked like Lakshya was going to come here when suddenly he was turned around by that evil witch and she started bending toward him, trying to kiss him and that tipped me off. I could not take it anymore so I marched towards them angrily and pulled that girl away from Lakshya and pushed her on floor.

"Don't you dare come near my Lakshya again or will pour water on your face and then everyone will see what a witch you look under all that makeup"

I evil witch was fuming on the floor and looking at me as if she was going to send me to witchy evil world by magic. But who cares No one can touch My Lakshya except me.


Then I turned towards Lakshya who was looking at me with wide eyes, I could still see amusement in his eyes but I was way too angry to care for anything else. I took his hand in my hand and dragged him with me out of the hotel and took him to the guest suit and pushed him inside and locked the door from the inside and then turned towards him only to find him having a highly amused expression. But that wont be lasting too long, I thought and said

"You Mr. are in heaps of trouble"


A/N- hello sweeties, here is the new chapter. read vote like and if you want to follow me. follow me on instagram


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