Chapter 1[Edited]

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"Zooooooo, we will be late for the bidding", Lakshya called out to her zoo(Arzoo)

"I'm coming, I'm coming just 2 min." came the voice sweet as angel along the ringing of the sound of the pooja bells. After 5 min. she kept the pooja thal down and bowed the ideal of Radha Krishna*. Took the prasad and rushed down.

She rushed to her granny's room and touched her feet and asked for her blessing as it was an important day.

"Bye grandma, I love you and I'm super late, I am going with Lakshya to his land bidding gala and then then I will go to my art studio. Please have your medicine and don't even think about having chocolates behind my back I will come to know" she said in one breath and rushed out as Lakshya kept calling.

"Bye princess, I love you too and say hi to Lakshya" her grandma said to her rushing figure with a smile on her face from her wheelchair.



It's been 18 years since her life has revolved around this angel of hers seeing. After her husband died 20 years ago in a car accident, she started living with her only son who had two kids, Zayan and Arzoo. Arzoo was her son Akash's child from her first wife. He later married a model Malika who trapped him in a marriage falling pregnant with Arya taking advantage of Akash's emotional vulnerability. After he married her things started falling apart. She started turning Akash against his own daughter. She would plan accidents and blame it on Arzoo or sometimes intentionally put her life at risk. She believed that if Arzoo was removed from their life her son would inherit everything. Malika might have been successful in fooling his son but his mother saw right through the witch's facade. She tried protecting Arzoo from Malika as much as possible but there were times she was not there when that woman tried to hurt her innocent granddaughter. Many times she tried to make Akash realize about Malika's pretence but he always turned a blind eye and after Zayan was born things turned for worse. Until one night when Malika made Arzoo stand on stairs and pushed her own son down the stairs in a way that he was not injured and then created a ruckus blaming everything on Arzoo. Akash had started trusting that witch so blindly that he slapped Arzoo without listening to her and then locking her up in a room. Savita(Arzoo's grandma) wasn't home that night but when she came back she saw Arzoo's caretaker Vishaka was sitting outside the locked room crying. She rushed to her and asked her what happened and after she told her everything she immediately asked her to get the keys and unlocked the door. The moment she opened the door her heart filled with dread. She found Arzoo on the floor fainted, burning with a high fever. She immediately took her in her arms and rushed to her to hospital. The doctors told her that due to the exhaustion and fear she fainted and after keeping her there for 3 to 4 hours Arzoo was discharged. But her smiling child was now filled with fear and the mere mention of going back home filled her with dread. And that was the last stew for Savita. She decided to do the right thing by her granddaughter and it was not like she was helpless, she was after all the wife of Advith Rajput and half owner of a multimillion-dollar company of her husband and she was not going to let her granddaughter be hurt anymore and she had decided that It was time for Arzoo to be taken away from that hell hole.

She asked the driver to take her home and but seeing how scared Arzoo was to go inside she made her sit in the car and went inside she ordered her son and his wicked wife to come down. As soon as they both came down she slapped Malika so hard that she fell on the floor and as soon as Akash was going to object she raised her hand stopping him from saying anything. Akash never saw his mother that furious.

"You dare harm, my granddaughter, again and I promise you that would be the last time you shall be seeing the son light or your son" Savita threatened malika in a thundering voice.

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