OMG You're King Arthur! And We're Superheroes!

Start from the beginning

   "Well I think we should go to the park tonight and test these powers out. Someone should invite him." Most of the people shrugged and Landon was elected to go talk to Milo. After Micah prayed for there food, which had Adam and several others squirming uncomfortably, they ate lunch and got to know each other better.


Milo really didn't mind leaving his home for a few hours. His older brother and father always fought and the neighbors would often stare as the screaming got louder. So he gladly left at half past three to escape to the park, even if it was to talk to some strangers. He supposed Landon had been nice enough. 

Milo scuffed his feet as he walked, head down. It wasn't entirely his fault when he walked right into the blonde dude, who he remembered was called Adam. Definitely not his fault. Adam rolled his eyes at Milo, before helping him up.

   "This way, we were starting to think you weren't coming."

   "Sorry if I'm the only one worried about my future by doing homework." Adam just shook his head and walked away, assuming Milo would follow. He did. They entered a clearing where the other eight people were sitting. A dark haired girl smiled at him and he inclined his head. Milo quickly joined Landon and his brother Micah.

   "Right, er, I thought we could, you know, use our powers for a bit, to, yeah." Adam again failed at public speaking.

   "I think he means we should see what our limits are, so we don't accidentally kill ourselves, or others. And learn some control." Madylin once again took over flawlessly. Adam smiled at her, a pained expression on his face.

   "Yes thank you Madylin for reading my mind, for, let's see, the fiftieth time today?"

   "No problem brother dear." Madylin smirked, and Milos heart fluttered nervously. He had a feeling of foreboding as her smirk stayed. Movement distracted him and soon the feeling left as Madylins face returned to a more neutral expression. Greg, now standing, said,

   "Welp step back. I'm gonna see what I can do." He then proceeded to punch the ground so hard a large crater appeared and anyone who had been standing was now on their knees. Levi blinked, as P.J. smiled.

   "That's a heck of a punch, mate. Remind me not to get on Strength's bad side." Again Milo felt a strange sense. It reminded him of sadness, and some humour? He shrugged it off, as Ethan took Greg's place. The boy suddenly morphed into a tiger, before becoming a bird, and finally an elephant. He switched back to human panting a little.

   "I think three morphs in a short span of time is all I can manage. I think it's any animal I can think of,  so . . ." Several others smiled at him. Ethan walked to sit down on a rock. Madylin quickly moved to the center of the clearing. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes. Milo suddenly heard her in his head whispering a joke. He looked at her as her eyes opened. Only they weren't the usual green. They were glowing gold. She looked to her brother in obvious concentration and Milo felt her leave his mind. 

Adam suddenly stared at Madylin his eyes growing wide in fear and suddenly, pain. When Madylin saw the pain in his eyes she immediately stopped whatever she was doing and her eyes faded back to green.

   "Sorry Adam. I didn't realize . . ."

   "Its fine Madylin. Just please don't do that again." She nodded, her eyes averted. Milo looked between the two in obvious confusion. He wasn't the only one.

   "Um, I enter and can read everyone's mind in a one mile radius, I can control one persons mind at a time, and, uh, change their thoughts, memories everything. I can also, um, cause them pain and insanity." Madylin walked to sit in the shadow of a tree. Milo wasn't the only one shocked by her power. He soon shook himself from staring at her, it was rude after all. Eventually Micah braved the center of attention and he stared hard at the dirt from Greg's super punch and twigs that littered the grass. His eyes too turned gold as the items began to rise and twirl. He flicked his eyes to the side and the twigs followed. Slowly a humanoid shape took form and with a twitch of Micah's fingers began to spin and dance. Finally the items returned to their original positions, as if they hadn't moved at all, and Micahs eyes stopped glowing. 

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