Chapter 14: Liar Liar

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"Wait WHY are you apologizing? Did you not go back either!?"

"DON'T change the subject!"

"What the hell Savannah?! The better question is what were YOU doing all night!?" He began spitting his words at me, "did you sleep here? Did COLIN try something?!"

Jen, Sean, and Colin all came out from the trailers at that time and tried to calm us both down.

"That depends, did you sleep with Jen?!"

Everyone's eyes locked in on Jen who was looking at the asphalt below.

"Shut up."

"You shut up!"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP," said Sean, raising his voice at us, "why don't you start, Reece, what happened last night."

"I spent the night with my girlfriend... that's all that happened."

"Bull..." Colin murmured under his breath as Reece shot him an evil glare.

"Savannah," Sean began, "what happened with you last night."

"It got late and the cab I called never came to pick me up, so I spent the night here..."

"With Colin," added Reece

"Hush," Sean demanded, "Now, did either one of you take your clothes off at any point during the night."

Neither of us answered, we knew the other wouldn't believe a word of anything we spoke.

"Savannah obviously did..." Reece replied



"Reece, it was raining at around 11:00 last night, did you not notice? Or were you engaged in other activities at the time."

"OK SO Jen and I are a couple, what are you gonna do!"

"So you did sleep with her?!"

"Yesss Savannah, " He hissed,  "Now will you just admit that you slept with Colin!"

"Reece I told you, it was raining and when my clothes dried, they got wrinkled."

"So what, I'm supposed to believe you guys just chilled outside in the rain or something?"

"No, we went back to the Jolly Roger and—"

I stopped talking... the story sounded unbelievable even to me. I could feel everyone around gazing at me, awaiting my response.

"We slept together," Colin claimed, finishing my sentence, "but we only slept in the same bed because it was cold. We were drinking rum and watching a movie when we just happened to fall asleep... nothing else happened. The proof is in the ship if you want to go see for yourself. I can assure you that if the sheets are wet, it's from the rain water and nothing more..."

Colin looked at me, gave a forced smile, and walked away. Jen followed behind Sean and they both began walking back to take their places on set. Reece and I stood there a few minutes staring at the ground, and avoiding eye contact.

"I guess we should head back to the hotel," he suggested.

"I guess so"

*  *  *

Friday came, and Reece told me how he wasn't leaving with me today, and I explained to him that if he wasn't leaving, I wasn't leaving. This was the first real conversation we'd had in a while. He continued on about how he was thinking of moving in with Jen and I said I'd be fine by myself, but then he brought up houses for sale in the area and began talking about moving in together.

We decided to go down to the set, one last time, to tell everyone that we were planning on staying in Canada for a while. I was sure Jen would be happy, but I wasn't sure how Colin would react to the news. We looked up their filming schedule and saw it began at 5:00 and ended at 8:00, so we decided to go around 7:30ish, and continued looking at houses until then. Somewhere in the conversation, the topic of what really happened a few nights ago came up and we both told each other our full stories. He began going a little more into detail than I wanted to know, but It was nice to talk to Reece again. It's never fun when the one person you really care about, and love with every cell in your body, can't stand to be around you.

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