Chapter #19 (path two)

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This is path two  of chapter 19! Thanks to the one that came up with the ideas for this chapter! You know who you are! (Except I don't because so comment if that was you and I'll tag you in the next chap)


~>* Time Un-skip (Phil is proposing) *<~

"(y/f/n), will you marry me?"

Just as you were about to accept and jump into his arms, Something interrupted you. Or should I say, someone...?


"No! Stop! Don't propose to her!"

"I kinda already did, she just hasn't answered me yet."

"But (y/n), I love you! I"m supposed to marry you!"

"You know, why don't you just marry each other... I'll be on my way."

~>*Dan's POV*<~

(y/n) had run off, and I gave Phil a quick kiss before grabbing his hand and dashing for the flat.

"Dan, what are you doing?"

"Catching up with (y/n), obviously." But then I realized what he meant. "Oh, the kiss? haha.... Well, um, I've been meaning to tell you..."

"I think I like you, Phil."

~>* Your POV *<~

You scrambled to get your keys and go into the phlat. You ran to Dan's room, and hid in his closet, sobbing and sobbing until you fell asleep.

You were awakened by calls of your name. Suddenly, you had to throw up. 

~>* Phil's POV *<~ 

We arrived at the flat, but couldn't find her. 

"Y/N?!" Dan shouted. 

I heard a sob coming from Dan's closet. "(y/n)? Please tell me that's you and not some beast who has eaten you."

I opened Dan's closet and there I saw a barely awake, tear stained, y/n.

I hope you enjoyed! Dan likes Phil... but does Phil like Dan? :o

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