Chapter #5

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I don't really have much to say. Oh well. 

Y/f/v/g- your favorite video game


"Hey (y/n)," Phil started, "Why are you closing one eye like that?"

Oh. You didn't realize you were still doing that. "Um, One of my contacts fell out and tore, and I forgot my glasses at home", you told him. 

"Well, if you want to come back with us, you could. I have some extras. They might help."

Aw, little philly was so kind! Should you? What if you accidentally let them know your a fangirl and think your weird and become scared of you? 

"Thanks! That is so kind of you! If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I would love to!"

"No, it wont be any trouble at all," Dan says from behind. So he had been listening to you guys. "Zoe, Louise, Cat, PJ, and Chris are coming over, so we could introduce you!"

"Um, Dan, she doesn't know who they are.", Phil says. You were screaming internally. Meeting Zoe, Louise, The whole awsome foursome, and Josh and Tyler all in one night?! Wow.This can't be real! You were the luckiest person in the world. 



Before you knew it, you were in a cab going to their flat. Was this really happening? 

"(y/n), whats your favorite video game? Do you like Mario Kart? We were thinking of having a game-off.", Dan asked you, his dimples showing. You noted to yourself how adorable he was, not that you didn't have 1,000,000 mental notes saying that. 

"Um, Probably (y/f/v/g). And I love Mario Kart! Get ready for the master of video games to come at ya." you say with a huge grin on your face. 

"No, I'M the master of video games!", Cat says. You had never seen her play video games, but her hair sure is cool-looking. 

You pulled up at their street, all of you on cloud 9.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm working on a trailer for this story.  Any ideas? Thanks for reading!

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