Chapter #3

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I Do NOT  think these things about cat. In fact, she's one of my faveorite YouTubers. It's just that in this story, in this scene, she feels like a disabled Pokemon. Just because everyone's going over to Dan and Phil and doesn't know who Cat is. But don't worry! It's just this scene.
~>* Cats POV *<~
I'm a terrible excuse for a YouTuber. Like Magikarp. But I won't evolve into a cool snake thing.

No one knows who I am. I'm just a tagalong. Like Kevin Jonas.

I know my true friends and fans would protest against these thoughts, but I didn't care. So I kept fake- smiling, and awkwardly being in the pictures Dan made me be in.

~>*  Your POV *<~
A few tears slid down your face, but luckily none of them noticed. Although Dan was pulling a 'heart eyes Howell' on Phil. "#phan", you quietly said to yourself.

You had to go to your seats, so you walked away, or at least started to.

"Hey, (y/n)! Before you go, we have one extra ticket. Wanna sit by us?", Dan said, holding up an extra ticket.


Well, I hope you enjoyed. Sorry ur was really short, but I have more on the way! Bye 👋

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