57. Blood Must Have Blood: Part II

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I don't know how long Clarke and I stood there, just staring at the door. I still had no idea about what to do to get into Mount Weather and save our friends. Bellamy was still in there, and I had to get to him before the Mountain Men did.

"What the hell are we going to do?" I asked.

"We need to find another way in." Clarke said.

"There is no other way in."

"The tunnels."

"It's useless though. There will be no way to get in."

"We have to try," Clarke said, looking at me with begging eyes.

It wasn't hard to miss the desperation in her voice. My eyes softened and I nodded my head. Clarke breathed out in relief and led the way to the tunnels.

No words were said as we walked. I think that was maybe because there was nothing to say. Both of us wanted, no needed, to find another way in. We needed hope that everything would work out, and that even though half our army is gone, we could still get all our friends back.

Clarke suddenly started running, taking me by surprise. I broke off into a sprint, catching up with her. We didn't run for long though because out of nowhere she stopped, making me crash into her. I stepped to the side to see Octavia standing before us, wielding her sword.

"Octavia. You stayed," Clarke said in surprise.

"Screw you. Of course I stayed, I know where my loyalties lie," she snapped, getting in Clarke's face.

"We have to get in there," I said, pushing forward.

"If that was possible, do you think I'd still be out here?" Octavia asked.

I stopped and ran a hand through my hair in frustration. I turned to say something but instead caught sight of a familiar body laying in a mining cart. The air escaped my lungs, and guilt gnawed at me.


"Why did Lexa sound the retreat?" Octavia asked.

"She made a deal with Mount Weather, freed the Grounders, and now we're on our own," Clarke muttered, heading to the door. She started banging furiously on the door.

"Stop! They'll know we're here." I said, running over to Clarke and pulling her away.

"What about Lincoln? There's no way he'd have gone along with a plan like this," O said.

"He didn't. They took him," I told her, sending her a sympathetic glance.

Clarke pulled out a gun and aimed it at the keypad, but Octavia was quick to push it down.

"What's wrong with you?" She demanded.

"I am getting through that door!" Clarke shouted.

"And that's your plan? Bellamy's counting on you. Everyone's always counting on you."

"Guys --" I started only to get pushed back. I could tell that Octavia had a lot of anger built up inside of her and she had to let it out.

"Well what do you want from me?" Clarke demanded.

"You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc. You let all those people --"

"I am doing the best I can!"

"Yeah? Well it's not good enough."

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