19. I Am Become Death

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I climbed slowly up the grass hill, inhaling the smoke. I didn't want to look, but I had to. I knew I had to.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at the destroyed Exodus ship. It wasn't even in its proper form. It was all destroyed. Bones laid on the ground.  Everyone and everything that was on the Exodus ship are just... Gone.

They're all gone. Every last one of them. It's not just the people and resources that are gone. It's the hope that came with the Exodus ship. With the Ark's help, we might have had a chance to beat the Grounders. To have a better life here on the ground. Now, everything's destroyed. All that we hoped and prayed for crashed and burned.

I shook my head and ran my trembling hands down my face. I just lost everything. I lost the person who meant more to me then you could ever imagine.

I shut my eyes for a brief moment before opening them again. This place was a wasteland filled with bodies and scrap.

I didn't want to be here but I knew I had to. Finn, Raven, Clarke, Bellamy and a few others were here too. And I knew that if Clarke could be here, then so could I.

"How you doing?" Bellamy asked, coming up beside me.

"I'm fine enough to not have to be checked on every minute of the day." I snapped.

"Harley -"

"I know. You're just looking out for me."

"You were a mess."

"And I won't feel better until we find the black box or hard drives or anything that will explain why this ship crashed." I said.

Bellamy nodded his head. Using his free hand, he rubbed my back in a soothing manner. It only happened for a moment before Bellamy went back to his duty.

"Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when." Bellamy said loudly to everyone.

"Can you blame them?" Finn asked.

"No. I blame you." Bellamy said.

"Maybe if you didn't bring guns -"

"If we didn't bring guns, we all would've been killed." Raven pointed out.

"Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now." Bellamy said.

I looked around before my eyes landed on Clarke. I was worried about her. She lost her mom. I know I'm upset and depressed but none of what I feel will compare to Clarke. That was her mother. As much as Clarke liked to be strong and pretend that she was alright, I knew she wasn't.

She went near a piece of the ship and immediately stepped back and covered her nose. I knew what that meant.

"Clarke, stop!" I shouted. I quickly ran over to her.

"Rocket fuel?" Clarke asked.

"Hydrazine." I said. "Highly unstable in its non solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist."

Raven was crouched in front of me and putting a rock in the liquid. She picked it up.

"Fire in the hole!" She shouted.

Raven threw the rock into some fire and it exploded. Everyone was all in shock while Raven and I stood there, watching.

"We need to clear the area." I told everyone.

"Okay, then." Bellamy said. He turned around. "We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We got to get back before dark."


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