39. Long into an Abyss

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I climbed the ladder up to the third floor, with Bellamy trailing right behind me. As I reached the top, I could see Octavia pacing back and forth. I stepped onto the floor and she turned in our direction.

"Oh, nice for you to join us." Octavia said in a sassy tone.

"Sorry, we were talking." Bellamy said, making it seem like nothing happened.

"Save it, I already know you two were kissing." Octavia said, a faint smile creeping onto her lips.

My eyes widened. How could she know? She was up here when it happened.

"How the hell do you know -" Bellamy started but was soon cut off by Octavia.

"Come on, Bell, look at you two. You're both glowing. Now I know you didn't have sex because Harley's hair isn't nearly messy enough for that and you were only gone for what, five minutes. Sex takes longer then that."

"And how would you know that?" Bellamy demanded.

Octavia's eyes widened slightly, like she knew she just let out a secret. I held in my laughter as I watched Octavia, who were opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

"Someone needs to go get Clarke." Octavia suddenly said, changing the topic.

I bit back a grin at her sudden change of topic. However, I was grateful for it.

"Um, no. We're not done talking about this." Bellamy said, pointing a finger accusingly at her.

"You know, I really think someone should go get Clarke."

"O --"

"You know what, we said the same thing earlier. I'll go." I said, saving Octavia from what was certainly about to be a horrifying confrontation.

"Then I'm coming with you." Bellamy said.

"I don't think it's a two man job." I said with a small laugh.

"I'm coming with you." He repeated.

I looked into Bell's eyes and I instantly knew that I wasn't going to win this fight.

"Okay. Let's go then. Be careful, Octavia. Make sure he stays chained."

"I'll be careful. You better be too." She said.

"I'm always careful." I said.

"Yeah and I'm an only child." Octavia snorted.

Bellamy laughed and I punched him in the rib. Instead of me hurting him, he hurt me.

"Ow." I muttered. "Okay, we're leaving now."

I grabbed my bow and arrows and left the drop ship.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." Bellamy said.

"I know how you can make it better." I said.

"How can I make it better?" Bellamy asked, talking seductive steps towards me.

"Stop working out and turn into Monty."

Bellamy stopped, surprised at my answer. But that surprise soon turned into amusement and he cracked a smile.

"That can't happen."

"Why not?"

"Because you can't just get rid of all this." He said.

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