42. Princess

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I walked through the woods with my bow armed, and I was ready to shoot if necessary. My eyes scanned the area, making sure I stayed alert. We had all decided to separate from each other, because we thought it would be safer. More chances for us to get caught if we were travelling as a group.

"Harley," someone whispered.

I whipped around, and drew my arm back. I was about to release, when I realized that it was Bellamy. He stepped back, eyeing the arrow that was aimed right at his face with a frown.

"Calm down. It's just me." He said.

"I thought we were splitting up." I said.

"Not a chance."

I smiled at him, and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Well we're almost there." I said.

That being said, the drop ship came into view. Bellamy and I walked in, and I was surprised to see Raven. She was pacing back and forth, but stopped when she saw us.

"How did you get here before us?" I asked.

"I had more motivation." She said.

"Is Finn or Clarke here?" Bellamy asked.

"No. I'm going to check again."

Raven walked outside the drop ship, while I set my arrows down. I slung the bow over my shoulder, and played with the arrow that my bow was previously armed with.

"You know, you look really sexy when you go all huntress," Bellamy said, placing his hands on my waist.

"Oh really?" I asked, amusement in my tone.

"Mhm," he mumbled, before leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips.

He pulled back, a grin on his face. I sighed in adoration, and wiped a few curls from his face. My hand slowly lowered, tracing his jawline lightly. I know this was probably not the time nor place, but with everything we faced on a daily basis, I thought I deserved a second to appreciate my boyfriend.

I heard footsteps and turned around at the sight of Raven, walking back into the drop ship. She looked worried, and ran her hand over her hair.

"Still no sign of them." She sighed.

"Where are they?" I muttered worriedly.

"We shouldn't have split up." Raven said.

I heard footsteps from outside, and I took my bow off my shoulder.

"Someone's coming." Bellamy said.

I aimed my bow towards the door, and Bellamy raised his gun, while Raven moved so that she stood behind us. The curtains moved back and I was surprised to see Murphy. He put his hands up in surrender when he saw what was being pointed at him.

"Wow, hey, hey, hey." He said.

"Murphy. What are you doing here?" I asked, slowly lowering my bow.

"I believe I was invited." He answered.

"I thought we could use an extra gun." Raven said.

"Might be a good idea." Bellamy said.

"Finn should've been right behind you," Raven said.

"Don't worry. The spacewalker's gonna be fine." Murphy said.

I put my bow back around my body. I quickly went to the curtains and checked outside. That's when I saw Finn, holding an unconscious Clarke.

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