56. The Betrayal

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I stood in the front next to Lincoln, rolling my head from side to side. We had been here for hours and I was starting to grow tired of just standing here. The power still hadn't turned off, and we were practically sitting ducks until that happened. My mind wandered to Raven, and I hoped that everything was okay. If anything happened to her and Wick, the plan would fail, and this would have all been for nothing.

"Getting tired?" Lincoln asked.

"Who knew that war would just be a lot of standing around," I said, looking over at him.

"The real war doesn't begin until we're inside."

"Does that mean I can go home and nap?" I joked.

Lincoln shook his head at me, a ghost of a smile dancing on his lips.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

"I'd be a fool not to be."

"I find it's not as bad when you have someone to fight for," he said.

"You fight for Octavia," I stated.

Lincoln nodded his head. "And you fight for Bellamy."

"I'm fighting for Bellamy and all of my friends." I corrected.

But he wasn't necessarily wrong. I mean, I did want to save my friends and that was what initially drove me. Except now, the love of my life was on the inside. Any fears I had before were amplified the minute he stepped foot into Mount Weather. And it was that fear that pushed me to fight harder to save the people I love. To save Bellamy.

"He's alright," Lincoln said, shooting me a look.

"I know he is. As scared as I am about how he's doing, I have this feeling that he's alright. That he's okay. But that isn't going to stop me from worrying."

"I know what you mean. When Octavia was dying from the poison and I had been taken by my village, I knew that she was alright. When you're so deeply in love with someone, you just know."

"Are you worried about her now?"

"Of course. But Octavia is strong and resilient. I know that she's going to be okay."

"At this point, I'm just praying that we're all going to be okay."

"If everything goes according to plan, then it will be."

"Lexa told me that plans are useless once you actually get to battle. Nothing ever goes as planned."

"Have faith, Harley."

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked over at Lexa and Clarke, who seemed to be having an intimate conversation.

"I need a hug." I muttered.


"I need a hug." I pouted my lips at Lincoln.

"Harley we're in the middle of a war," he scolded.

"But I want a hug! I'm tired and I'm scared, and all I need is a hug."

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