20. The Bomb

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I walked into the drop ship to see them having a conversation. Finn was still holding Clarke.

"- if he's not sick by now, then he's probably immune like Harley and I." Octavia said. She turned and saw me. "Nice for you to join us again." She looked closely at me. "Have you been crying?"

"I'm fine, Octavia. Really."

"Are you sure?" She asked, looking at me, concerned.

"Yes. It's okay, Monty helped me. We're good." I said.

"You're sure?" She asked again.

"One hundred percent." I said, forcing a smile.

Murphy suddenly got off his bed. "Here. Come on. She can take mine." He said.

Finn put Clarke softly on the bed.

"What else did Lincoln tell you?" Finn asked Octavia.

"The virus doesn't last long."

"It's true. I feel better." Murphy spoke up.

"They need to stay hydrated." Clarke said.

"You need to stay hydrated." Finn said.

"I got water covered." I said.

Octavia came over with a glass of water. Clarke took it and drank from it.

"Okay. Them, too." Clarke said.

"Octavia, help me." I said.

"I'll help too." Murphy said.

The three of us filled up various glasses with water and handed them out to everyone. As I walked around, some people told me they were feeling better. That's good.

"- time they get here, there won't be anyone to fight back." Murphy was saying.

"That's the point." Octavia said.

"Then we slow them down." Finn said.

"I'm gonna pretend like I know what you're talking about." I said.

"Just go to the tents where Bellamy and Raven are, and tell them this." Finn said, telling me what I should say.

I ran out of the drop ship and headed to the tent. I could hear them talking from outside.

"Hey, guys, stay focused, we're doing good. We need as many rounds done by dawn as we can." Raven said.

I walked into the tent.

"It won't matter if there's no one left who can shoot. We need to build a bomb, Raven." I said.

"Well what are we trying to blow up?" She asked.

"The bridge where Clarke and I talked to Anya."

"Why would we want to blow up a bridge?" Bellamy asked.

"Murphy says he crossed a bridge on his way back here from the grounders camp. Sound familiar?" I said.

"Yeah. So what?" Bellamy asked.

"So the virus is fast. He's already getting better. Blowing the bridge up won't stop the attack, but the longer we can delay it, the more of us will be able to fight." I explained.

"Even if Murphy is telling the truth, and that's a big if, that bridge has survived a nuclear war and 97 years of weather."

"But it won't survive me and Raven."

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