Chapter 8

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Their fighting is breaking my heart

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Their fighting is breaking my heart. I can see on his face how much he wants to be there for his daughter but is obviously clueless about teenage girls. Maybe I should offer to talk to her, but would he only embarrass me like he usually does?

April turned to look at him. His knuckles were turning white from his death grip on the steering wheel. And his mouth set in a grim line.

OK so maybe now isn't a good time.

When they pulled up to the house Hailey wasted no time grabbing her bagpack and dashing into the house. April noticed the look for defeat on Jonathan's face and wanted to assure him things would be OK. She thought better of it though because a man like him doesn't seem to welcome consoling of any sort.

She claimed out the car then followed him into his study were he threw himself right into work. In between typing April starred at him hating the worry lines that creased his forehead. She got an overwhelming urge to go to him and smooth the lines away and kiss his mouth still set in a grim line.

Whoa whoa whoa. Rewind and freeze! Kiss him? I want to kiss him? What's the matter with me? I just dumped Gerald who's a jerk and already I'm thinking about kissing my boss who's also a major jerk? Get a grip April.

She went back to typing trying to focus on work. The next time she looked at him his shoulders were slumped and his expression was one she's never seen on him before, he looked sad.

Without thinking she got up from the leather couch she was sitting on and walked over to his desk. She went to stand next to him them gently placed her hand on his shoulder meaning to comfort him.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked in a coarse voice.

"You look upset" she replied

"That's none of your concern." He said

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