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Emma’s p.o.v.

“Ugh! Emma! This is the third time this year!” Harry shook his head and ran his hand through his curls.

“Relax. I’m sure that he had a pretty good reason to do it.” I got out of the car. “It better be a good reason or I’ll-“

“What would you do to your son, Harry? You still haven’t taught him soccer.” I smirked at my choice of words. “Foot ball.” He squints his eyes. “No. I taught him that already. You mean soccer, hun.”


“Mr. and Mrs. Styles.” Mr. Brooks sighs and adjusted his glasses. “As you know, Dylan poured sand from the sandbox down one of his classmate’s shirt.” I bit my tongue to prevent myself from laughing. Dani had said the same thing many years back….

“Your son has to understand that we’ve given him many chances. He tackled a kid on school grounds, released a jar of crickets into our library, and now he shoved sand down a student’s back.”

He signs a few papers before looking up again. “This is the last time I’m letting him off like this. But I want you to take him home early today so you can talk to him about it.” We nodded before our little son comes running into the room.

Yes he’s six but he’s still little. “Thank you very much, Mr. Brooks for giving Dylan another chance. He’s a good boy, really. Now if you can stop hitting on my wife while I’m here, we’ll go.” Harry gives the principal a hard look before grabbing my hand and pulling us out of the office.


“Dylan, what was that? I can’t believe you.” Harry yelled in the car. “Harry.” I warned. “Is there something wrong at school? Are kids bullying you?” Dylan kept his head down. “No. They’re not.”

“So why did you do it?”

“I did it for Darcy, daddy. You always said to protect her and I did. The kids at school were teasing her for her because she is always so quiet.”

“Well that isn’t the way to solve a problem, Dyl. I’m going to have to take away your tele time for this week.”

It was all quiet until we heard an “Okay, daddy.”

We pulled up to the side of the house. It was old fashioned with a beautiful lawn, just like the one Harry told me he saw years back.  “I’m going to call Louis to see if he can pick up Darcy whilst he goes to pick up Lilly.” He murmurs before getting out of the car and walking off.

“Dyl.” I kneel down and looked at him in the eye. I looked at my son in the eye. “You did nothing wrong. You are not a bad kid. Especially since Darcy is in her first year at school, she’d need her older brother to look out for her. Darcy needs her older brother to help her and I’m sure daddy understands.”

“So he is not mad?”

“Maybe a little upset but he shouldn’t be mad.”


"Bottom line, their children are gonna be the ones who get detention in school for shoving sand down someone's shirt or something and then when Emma and Harry gets called up, Harry's all pissed and Emma pretends to be pissed and then when they get back home, Emma gives their child a fist bump behind Harry's back" Dani smiles.

~Present Time~

“Fist bump.” I held out my fist. “But I haven’t done anything good, mummy. Isn’t a fist bump for good things?”

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