Chapter 6- Take the Leap

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Emma's p.o.v.

I kept biting my lip that night on my shift. "I know that you're into me, sugar. Now why don't we just take this to a whole new level?" The drunk dude smiled. Normally, John would tell me to wait until the people were sober for them to have their mug shots taken, but I guess this isn't the case for a drunken dude who bashed two empty beer cans at another dude right in front of the police.

Harry was gonna propose to Anna. All night, I had gotten text messages going

"Gold or silver on Anna?"

"Diamonds or sapphires?"

"Rubies or emeralds?"

"Should it have something engraved on it?"

"Emma answer me."

"This is the matter of the future and the future."


I quickly turned off my phone. No phones during shifts anyways. John's rules.

Harry's p.o.v. (Earlier that day)

It was as if all of the feelings came rushing back to me when we all sat in the van.

You two were clearly flirting! How can no one see it?" Shay shrieks. We were all piled in a small van driven by Niall Horan (The Queen doesn't drive anymore now that her peasants can drive)

"That's an Emma and John thing. We've done it ever since day one." Emma shrugged. "Is he single?" Eleanor wiggles her eyebrows at her. "Yes he is after he divorced with his ex wife who he married for two years since they were 20." I stayed quiet on his phone texting away to Anna.

"Geeze. Stop talking to Bitch Duck will ya?" Louis groans."You're just jealous that the relationship that Anna and I have is much more interesting than yours and Eleanor's." I shot back.

"What do you mean by interesting? That there is more sex? Or is it just more interesting cause the beginning of the relationship was cheating on Emma?" Louis growled. The whole van got quiet. "I thought so." He murmured.

Truth was, we've never 'done it'. I know. That's gold to everyone who finds out. There were many times where Anna had offered it, but I just declined and suggested a movie. I wanted 'our first' to be serious, and unfortunately, serious for Anna is like seriousness for Taylor: da fug is there such thing?

Okay. So maybe not as bad as Taylor, but you get the point. Niall started singing a song that I didn't bother listening to so I plugged my ears with my beats and drowned out the van full of chorus kitties.

Do I love Anna? Hell yeah. I mean #hanna gets shipped a lot, I love her, my mum approves of her (I think). And then there's the BIG BUT (No. I'm not talking about Louis' bum). In this case, BIG BUTS.

BUT NUMBER ONE: the boys and girls


Do I have feelings for her? Obviously I still do but my relationship with Anna seems so much stronger than mine with Emma last year.

Should I take the leap? For gosh sakes, I'm 22 already, I think that I am old enough...

We were all getting out of the van when I stopped Emma.

"Emma?" I whispered whilst she turned around. I fumbled with my phone in my hand. "Did I really hurt you when I cheated? Cause that is what I did. I cheated."

I bit my lips for her answer. Was she going to do some revenge like straighten my curls? Or is she going to go all the way like Amanda Clarke (Or Emily Thorne) went for revenge on the Greysons?

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