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January 13 1980
Third person

"I can't believe you! You would leave her all because you're scared!" Sirius roared and punched Remus square in the jaw.

"I did what I had to do!" Remus shot back rubbing his jaw. "They would be marked as half breeds I couldn't do that."

"Well you did and you know what they were born in the 9th. Perfectly fine a boy and a girl. But You had to go and mess up and leave. Rosie went through all this Alone and know she's gone." Cried Sirius.

"Gone?" Remus chokes.

"Yes. Gone. She died giving birth. and it's all your fault you shithead. You should've stayed. You should've been there and you ran."

"If you're so angry at me why are you telling me this?"

"Because. She made excuses for you saying where you were the last month. He's out on order business. Or he's visiting his parents or he's just out to get something. But all along you weren't there at all. And the ONLY reason I'm telling you about it is because she asked me too. I thought I'd honor my sisters last wishes so here I am."

"Oh is that all?" Remus asks.

"There's one more thing. Since your there biological father." Sirius spat at the word father. "It's your job to take care of them. They're with Molly Weasley now but after here I'm going to bring them over. "


"No? No! You're saying no to raising your own children!!" Sirius roared if possible louder then before.

"I'm not cut out to be a father. That's why I left in the first place. I'm poor and with my condition..." Remus started.

"I don't want to hear it coward." Sirius spats.

"Well if you're so high and mighty why don't you take them. " Remus argues.

"Because I have to raise Izy all by myself. If Marlene was still here I'd take them in a heart beat. But right now with Izy being 2 I can't handle two newborns as well." Sirius says softly.

"Marlene gone what do you mean? "

"You wouldn't know being gone all the time. I thought you were a spy for you-know- who but know I realize you were just avoiding Rosie. Still doesn't change the fact that you still could be working for him." Sirius accuses.

"For the millionth time. I'm not working for you-know-who. I'm on you're side. Get that through your thick skull. And please tell me what happened to Marlene. She was my friend too." Remus pleads.

"She went out to see her parents on New Year's Day. Just her. She wanted out of the house for a bit so I let you go and I got to spend time with Izy. I've been missing her them both because of the order. Anyway it wasn't till later when dumbledore knocked on my door. I had just feed Izy and put her to bed. He said the death eaters came. To her parents house. Her whole family was there. And they killed them all." Sirius says sadly. "So as you can see I really can't take them in right now."

"Sirius I'm sorry.." Remus says moving to put a hand on Sirius shoulder but Sirius moves.

"No you're not. If you were sorry you should be sorry that you're such a coward and won't even take care of your children." Sirius voices.

"Can I at least know there names?" Remus asks hopefully.

"No you don't deserve the right.I have to go. We still have to find a place for the twins to stay." Sirius says and apperates away.

A few months later on July 31 lily and James Potter welcomes there son Harry James Potter and made Sirius his godfather. Because of the rise of Voldemort and a prophecy that might be about Harry defeating Voldemort the Potters went into hiding. They lived in Godric's Hallow and only handful of people knew there location. One of those people was Sirius black who was named there secret keeper but later changed to Peter pettigrew.

Halloween 1981

Third person

Sirius went over the Potters house to celebrate Halloween with Izy. Izy was playing with Harry and the adults were talking in the other room.

"I can't believe how big they've gotten." Lily says looking at the playing children.

"Yeah. Reminds more of Marlene everyday." Sirius says with adoration for his little girl.

"How are the twins?" James ask.

"They're staying with your cousin Narcissa right?"

"The twins are fine. They are staying with my cousin Narcissa and her husband. They also have a son named Draco. He's around Harry and the twins age. Sometimes Cissy lets me take Izy over to play with the twins. That is when Lucius isn't there. He's not to happy who the twins father is and doesn't like me but he's getting over it"

"That's good." Lily says.

After a few hours Sirius and Izy left. Sirius had put Izy to bed when the air shifted. Something bad had happened. Sirius quickly got a sleeping Izy and apperated to Molly and Arthur Weasley's house, The Burrow. Molly was happy to watch Izy and Sirius headed to Peter Pettigrew's house. When he arrived No one was there. He quickly apperated to the Potters house only to see it destroyed. He walked inside past a lifeless James. A person he considered his own brother. He walked up the stairs to see lily lifeless as well. All the ones James tried to ask lily out flashed through his head. But then he heard a cry. He walked into Harry's room to see him crying and very much alive. He picks Harry up and starts to rock him.

"Shh Harry it's going to be okay. You can come live with me and Izy and we can avenge your parents."

Harry had stopped crying but Sirius heard more footsteps. He pulled out his wand ready only to come face to face with Hagrid.

"Oh hey Sirius. I'm going to be needed Harry. I have to take him to his aunt and uncle's house. " Hagrid says.

"Why would you do that. They're awful people. I'm his godfather I should be able to take care of him." Sirius argues

"I'm sorry Sirius. Dumbleodre's orders."

"Fine." Sirius says handing Harry over. "At least take my motor bike. It's in James' garage." Sirius says and then apperates away.

This time Sirius is face to face with Peter. "You sold them out to him." He yells at Peter.

Peter cries. "Ahhh he's going to kill me like he killed the Potters!" And the two pull of there Wands.

Before Sirius can cast a spell Peter cast one instead causing a huge explosion killing 12 muggles. Something falls where Peter once stood and Sirius walks over. On the ground is a finger. Sirius has no time to react as the Aurors arrest him. And with out a trial send him to Azkaban. Even though Voldemort was defeated that many people had to pay.

November 1, 1981

Remus lupin is distraught after the news of his friends and is over come with guilt. He thinks Harry becoming an orphan and Sirius daughter Izy growing up one too. He knew he can't help Harry who's supposed to live with his horrid Aunt and Uncle but he can help Izy. So he goes to the Burrow and picks up Izy who's playing with Charlie and the twins Fred and George. She asks where her daddy is to which he responds far away and won't be back for a while. She's sad but doesn't cry and Remus takes her back to his house where he promises himself that he'll raise Izy like he's his own.

I know you probably want to kill me but Ugh I can't believe it's over. It made me
Want to cry but don't worry there will be a sequel called Alone (it's up). Thanks for all the support

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