Chapter 34: Izy Turns One

193 8 2

August 15 1978


"Guys I know what we can all be for Halloween." I say walking into my brothers house.

"Halloween is two and a half months away. " Blake  says hanging up the streamers.

Everyone was at Marlene's and Sirius house to help decorate for Izy's birthday.

"I know but hear me out. Lily showed me these movies called The Avengers and there are tons of other movies to go with it. And they have cool weapons and piers and stuff and I was thinking we could all be them for Halloween." 

"But we've never seen them." Sirius says.

"Yeah who are we going to be if we've never seen them?" James asks.

"Oh I already know who's being who." I state. "Lily is going to be agent carter."

"Nice I like her." Lily says.

"Because she is reflective, sensitive, flexible, And appreciative. An Intuitive, considerate  person whose primary concern is with finding their purpose- specifically how they can best use their skills to improve works. She has high standards for higher herself and others and can be hard on herself when she doesn't live up to her own high expectations. They want to make the world a better place for everyone."

"That sums lily up." Alex says blowing up a ballon.

"I know" I smile. "Sirius can be iron man because he's enterprising, resourceful headstrong and self centered-"

"Hey!" Sirius cries.

"Sh it's true. " I say and continue. "Highly adaptable and intelligent and excels in nearly every attempt. He sees possibilities everywhere and is very enthusiastic about ideas and theories. He's charismatic and excellent conversationalist and especially enjoys exchange with intellectual equals. His primary weakness is a tendency toward arrogance."

"I like this guy." Sirius says.

"Oh course you do. You're exactly like him" lily says. "Minus the whole intelligent thing."

"Shut up." He scowls and continues to put up streamers.

"Marlene can be captain America because he's conservative, conventional, guarded and reserved. He's a warm kind hearted person who always strives to see the bet in people. He values cooperation, responsibility, and duty and guided be a strong set of values. Often good at recognizing their  feelings they sometimes have trouble expressing them partially when those feelings are negative. His loyalty is without parallel. " I explain.

"Ohh. I like him." Marlene says as she bounces Izy in her hip.

"What about me Rosie." James whines.

"You can be Thor. Energetic self satisfied confident and practical. An Excellent leader and citizen with highly developed Abe's did duty and tradition. He's a good strategic thinker and is capable of acting in a Plan as devising it. He has high expectations for those around him and can be critical of those who fall short. He tend Ms to be popular socially due to his boisterous attitude . " I say.

"That sounds nothing like me." James says.

"Oh shut up." Alex says.

"It sounds exactly like you James." Remus adds.

"I guess it kinda sound like me." James agrees.

"Blake can be the black widow. She's critical, detached, guarded, independent, resourceful. She's a logical and practical  thinker   Who like to know how things work. She's adventurous and often athletic and gets bored easily. She's excellent with dealing a crisis and thinks fats in her feet. And is quick to react in stressful situations . She  doesn't always subscribe to society's rules and is very true to her own personal set of beliefs. " i explain.

"Sounds bad ass. I like her Blake says.

"She is bad ass. It's awesome." I add.

"When did you have time to watch all these movies?" Remus asks

"When all of you were on order business. Marlene was with the Weasleys for a play date and lily and I were bored so we watched them all." I explain. 

"Impressive but what's mine?" Alex asks.

"You can be Nick Furry." I state.

"That's a cool name. " Alex says.

"Yeah it is. Anyway. He's ambitious, forceful, adaptable, and energetic. He's a natural born leader who takes the reins with verve and conviction. He is  career focused and ambitious and values efficiency in all things. Decisive and commutative he has little patience for those who can't keep up with him or his vision and while he loves to interact with others he ha bit especially times in to the emotions of Those around him.  "

"Omg that's perfect for him" Blake says and hugs Alex.

"What about me?" Remus asks.

"You can be the hulk. He is sincere, sympathetic, unassuming, reserved, and patient. He's a highly insightful person who strives to create harmony in all things. Bought able to process and understand complex ideas and theories he tends to be more creative then analytical and solve problems through innovation rather than meticulous study. While normally calm situations of stress and conflict can drive him to extreme anger. He's also changed into this big green scary dude every time he gets angry and he doesn't want to do I thought you guys would relate." I say.

"Sounds just like me." Remus says and kisses the top of me head.

"Then I could be hawkeye. He's dominant flexible demanding and sociable. A straight shooter with keen powers of perception he can feel at home in a wide variety of situations. Primarily action oriented he thrives on adrenaline and adventure and is quite comfortable in situations that require improvisation. He's blunt and honest, easily bored, and has a well developed set of principles by which he lives by. " I explain.

"That's so you." Sirius says.

"Yeah." Everyone agrees.

We finish setting up for the party and the guests arrive at 1. Most of them are Marlene's family and there a few people form the order like the Weasley's and Meredith is there too with Zola.

Izy is a happy baby all the way through playing with the kids her age. She got tons of gifts but didn't really care she was more focused on the wrapping paper and boxes. 

After presents we had cake which Izy gladly ate. People hung around for a few more hours and then started to leave.

"Hey after I put Izy to bed do you think we could watch these movies?" Marlene asks.

"Sure." Lily replies and apperated to get the movies.

When she came back we sat and watched them. We watched the captain America the first avenger. Then we watched he first iron man. After that we watched Thor and after that we watched the first avengers movie.

"That was so cool!" Sirius, Alex and James exclaim.

"Shh. You'll wake Izy." Marlene scolded.

"We are so doing that Halloween idea." James said.

"You guys are such children." Blake laughs.

"Shut up. You liked it." Alex states.

"Yeah I did." She shrugs.

"It was really good." Lily adds.

"I so relate to the hulk" Remus says and we all laugh.

Eek. Of so my friend got me into marvel and all that jazz so I'm like really into it now hence majority of this chapter. So sorry anyway we have ten chapters left till the end of this book. But they'll be a sequel. Maybe anyway thanks for the support love ya.

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