Chapter 10: Quidditch Cup

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It's almost the end of the year now and I haven't talked to anyone in Gryffindor since Christmas including my brother. I'm going mad. I rarely talk to Blake and Alex anymore either because my "body guards" Lucius, Avery, Severus, Regulus, and Mulciber. They never leave me alone. I only talk to Alex during quidditch practice and Blake at quidditch and in my dorm. The only good part is that once a week they let me have an hour and a half to myself where I set by the black lake and to homework. Now I know I can't go to find my brother or my friends because even though they aren't with me. I know they're watching.

Sometimes when I'm working alone a big black stray dog will keep me company. My "bodyguards" try and tell me that the dog could be mad or dangerous but it's been nothing but sweet and kind. The "bodyguards" used to come over and try and shoo the dog away but it bears its teeth and growls until they leave. Then it runs his hand on my hand and sits in my lap. Sometimes Cissy will join me too but Most of the times it's just me and Snuffles. That's what I decided to call the black dog.

With O. W. L. S coming up and making it to the quidditch cup I've been swamped with studying and practice. I hardly get any sleep any more. Tomorrow is the big game and of course we play Gryffindor. This should be fun.

Time skip to tomorrow's quidditch game.

"Alright idiots shut up!" Malcom Flint yelled. "This is THE game. The game were it's all or nothing. And I'll be damned if my last year at school is a losing match against those Gryffindor scum. I've head a perfect record when it comes to the quidditch cup which means I HAVE WON EVERY SINGLE ONE! So don't let me down and pound those idiots to the ground! Do anything you have to do to win."

"He's a bit dramatic." Blake whispers to Alex and I.

"Tell me about it." I agree.

"I don't blame. He's got a streak. Ever since his second year when he started playing Slytherins won every house cup. You two know it. You've won every year since you've been on the team haven't you." Alex asks with a cocky smirk.

"Bloody hell he's right!" I shriek.

"No pressure." Blake states.

We fly out to the pitch. Malcom Shakes hands with the Gryffindor captain. Madame hooch blows the whistle and the game begins.

Blake grabs the quaffle and flys towards the goal posts. Sirius sends a bludger at Regulus and for a split second I almost let it hit him because I'm mad that he's kept me from my Gryffindor friends. But I'm not that cruel so I hit it away at the last possible second. The game is pretty right the whole time Slytherin only getting maybe 10 or 20 points ahead.

Only towards the last few minutes did Gryffindor pull ahead but Malcom wouldn't have that. He shoved the Gryffindor with the quaffle and took the quaffle and fly to the posts. He scored making the score tied.

"Find the damn snitch Black!" Malcom

Just in time Regulus spits something and takes off with the Gryffindor hot on his tale. Luckily Regulus got the snitch just in time.


While 3/4 of the stands groan only 1/4 erupts in to cheers.

"We did it!" Blake laughs and hugs me.

"We won. We won!" Alex says wrapping his arms around both of us.

Slytherin throw a huge party in the common room. It was loud and noisy so I decided to take a step out side. With everyone busy I had no one to follow me so I started to wonder the castle.

I was walking when a hand clamped over my mouth preventing me from screaming. 

"Shhh. Rosie it's us. You're fine." A familiar voice says. One I haven't talked to in a while.

"Sirius." I whisper.

"Yea Rosie. It's mean." He whispers as I crash into him giving a hug.

"I missed you." I cried into his shoulder.

"Me too. Me too." Sirius says into my head as he strokes my hair.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Are we chopped liver Rosie Posie?" James asks.

I let go of Sirius and hug James. "It's good to see you Jamsie Lamsie."

"Hello Rosalind." Remus smiles.

"I'm too happy to see you guys to correct you." I say and hug Remus.

"How did you guys find me?" I ask.

"Well..." Sirius begins.

"I had this idea to make a map essentially to was for pranking. The map would should Everyone in the school any where they were any minute of any day. But when Christmas came and the thing happened. I thought we could use it to see you. We could see where you were and who you were with. We tried to catch you alone but it was hard. Until tonight." James explained.

"How did you idiots come up with it?" I laugh.

"I'm a genius." Remus smiles.

"I don't like rules." Sirius smirks.

"I can do anything." James grins.

"Oh and Peter wasn't feeling well but he encouraged and brought us snacks." Sirius adds.

"I love you guys." I say bringing them all into a hug.

"We love you too."

"Want to go to the black lake before I have to go back." I suggest.

"Yeah sure." Sirius says slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"Is everything okay. No one has gave you any trouble right." Remus asks.

"No one has hurt you right." James asks.

"James." Sirius scolds and hits James.

"Sorry." James mumbled.

"It's fine. I'm fine. After Christmas it took two weeks for all the damage to go away. " I say looking down.

"We're going to fix this and we're going to help you. " Sirius says and kisses his head.

Sorry for the wait but thanks for all the support.

All the Stars BOOK 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt