Chapter 35: Quiet Christmas

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December 25 1978

Voldemort but now known as you know who was getting stronger and stronger by the day not many people liked going out.

It was quite this Christmas. Remus was away on order business AGAIN so I had the house to myself. I spent the morning with Sirius Marlene, Izy, lily, James, Blake and Alex.

It was fun and eventful but now that I am home it was quite and lonely.

Winston licked my face when I came home. I scooped him up and walked over to the couch. I turned on the video box that lily had instilled so I can watch movies and shows.

Remus had been with the werewolves for a long time he was hardly ever home. Dumbledore said once they go the information they needed he could stay home longer and according to Remus he was close to getting it.

I was bored so I decided to draw. There was a rumor going around that there was a spy in the order of the phoenix. A few times the orders had been foiled  by deaths waters and only knew form inside information. Who was it no body knew.

After drawing for a bit I got and decided to clean up. While cleaning I found a doll folded piece of paper and I opened it.

Hey Rosie,

      You'll probably never get this because I'm scared it will get intercepted. I miss you so much you have no idea. When I get home we'll be a happy family. I'll marry you I swear I will when I get back. I'm okay hear. It's a bit rough but I am okay. I hope you're okay. I hate that your alone it that house. Make sure you still have fun and don't worry about me too much.

Love you,

It was dated July 5th. It must've fell out of his pocket when he came back in August for Izy's birthday. I smiled and hugged the letter to my chest. Hopefully this you know who nonsense will be over and Remus and I can get married and leave happily together.

Sorry it's short and crappy but I need it to move the story along. Sorry thanks for the support love you guys.

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