Chapter 21: The story of tonight

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The boys, lily and Marlene invited Blake and i to the common room for a late night Get together. 

We left are common room around 10 and was in the gryffindors common room at 10:15.

Once we were there we all sat down by the fire.

Remus and I were sprawled on the couch. Sirius and Marlene shared a love seat and James was in the other love seat with lily on the floor next to him. Blake sat in the other love seat.

"Last year can you believe it" Marlene says it aloud.

"No I can't." Lily adds.

"I still can't get over the fact that James is head boy." Blake smirks.

"Yeah how did you get head boy? You bribe someone?" Sirius asks.

"I am hurt padfoot." James says in mock hurt.

"It's our last year. Let's tell stories" Marlene says excitedly.

"Good idea." Remus says.

"Ok. I'll start." I say.

Flash backs

Meeting Marlene for the first time in first year

Rosie and Blake were first years looking for a place to do there homework on a bright sunny day in October when Rosie spotted the familiar red head from the train sitting next to a brunette girl. 

"Hey you're Lily right? I am Roise we meet on the train," Rosie says.

"Oh right you're the obnoxious boy's sister. It's nice to see you again," Lily replies.

"Can my friend Blake and I sit down and work with you guys?" Rosie asks.

"Yeah sure. This is my friend Marlene. She's in gryffindor with me." Lily introduces.

"Yeah!! New Friends!!!!" Marlene squeals hugging Rosie and Blake. Both of them were looking rather uncomfortable.

"Sorry but I don't do hugs," Blake says prying Marlene's arms off her.

"I am just not used to hugs," Rosie says.

"Don't worry stick with me and you will love hugs trust me," Marlene smiles and Blake and Rosie look at each other.

"She grows on you," Lily smiles. 

Rosie meets James for the first time in detention in first year
James and Rosie had to serve detention with Professor McGonagall scraping the gum of the desks.   

"Your Sirius Black's sister right?" James asks as he scrapes the gum off.

"Yes and you are the obnoxious prick from the train with a major crush on Lily." Rosie retorts. "What are you in for?"

"Throwing Paper at Remus and talking loudly in class," James says proudly.

"Pft. That's nothing I am in for putting Dung bombs under slughorn's desk." Rosie smirks. 

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