Chapter 30: Baby On Board

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August 15, 1977


"So you are Sirius are getting married in about a month." I say trying to make conversation with Marlene.

Since she's so close to having the baby we all take turns being with her incase it happens. Sirius, Remus, and Blake  are all out on order business and lily and Rosie went out to run errands and do order stuff as well and Alex is working.

"Yes on the 20 were getting married and I can't wait. I just hope this little one comes out soon." Marlene says rubbing her stomach.

"Yea." I chuckle. "Hopefully not too soon. I don't know what to do." I whisper to myself.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Marlene asks.

"Yeah some tea would be nice." I say and Marlene walks into the kitchen.

I notice that one of the pictures is crooked so I go over and fix it. While I am fixing it I hear  a crash from the kitchen and rush to see if Marlene is okay.

"Marlene are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says looking at the floor. She dropped  the  cup and she's standing in a puddle of water.

"Hate to tell you this Marls but I think you phased yourself." I tell her.

"You draft idiot. My water just broke I'm going into labor. The baby is coming. NOW!" She says angrily.

"Ah bloody hell.  On all the days why did it have to be mine." I grumble.

"Go call Sirius." Marlene says. Doing her breathing exercises.

I try and get a hold of him but I can't.

"He's not answering. What do I do. Whats happening." I says panicking and running around breathing heavenly because my best mate's fiancée is going into labor right before my eyes.

I don't notice but Malden is waiting at the front  door with her bag packed and a slight smirk on her face.

After 20 minuets of me saying "did I pack your tooth brush? Did I pack my/Sirius/ the baby's toothbrush?? Oh wait the baby won't have teeth"

"Get a move on nerd." Marlene yells exasperatedly.

"I'm not ready to be a father" I yell.

"James this isn't  your baby."  

"Puh-lease Marlene this is everyone's baby." I say and i take her outside to get in the car.

"Crap you guys don't have a car." I say realizing. 

I look at Marlene and next thing we know I am driving Sirius motorbike to the hospital.

We reach the hospital on 10 minutes flat.

"Someone help. My best friends fiancée is giving birth." I yell as I carry Marlene into the hospital.

"Whoa  James slow down. I got this everything is going to be fine." Alex says and signals a nurse with a wheel chair over. "Marlene sit down and I am going to take good care of you James try and get a hold of everyone.

Alex wheels Marlene away and I get and contact everyone. Eventually I reach everyone and the arrive at the hospital.

"Where is she. Is she okay? Did she have the baby yet?" Sirius asks frantically.

"I don't think so. She's with Alex." I reply and Sirius takes off.

"Eeek. This is so exciting." Lily says as we head towards the waiting room.

"I know. This makes me want kids even more." Rosie says and Remus and I shared panicked looks.

"Who's hungry. I know I am." Remus says.

"I could use some coffee." Lily says.

"Me too." Blake adds.

"I'll take one too." I reply.

"Ok 4 coffees Remus and I are on it." Rosie says and the two of them leave.

"Sirius must be going crazy." Blake laughs.

"Never thought he would be the first one to settle down and have a good." Lily mused.

"I don't think any of us ever did." I add.

Remus and Rosie come back with the coffee. We wait for three more hours before Sirius comes out looking over the moon happy.

"She's so small. She's 3.5 kg and is 52 cm long. She has." Sirius rambles.

"She?" Lily asks. "You mean it's a girl!"

"Yeah. She has some hair. Black of course and well you guys can come see her." Sirius says and we follow him.

"I knew it." Rosie whispered to Blake.

"Shut up."

We walk in and see a tired looking Marlene with a white blanket. As we got closer I realized it was a baby. Sirius was right. She was Tiny. She also had patches of dark hair. And it was out of her face with a pink bow.

"She's adorable." Rosie gushes.

"I'm glad you think so." Sirius says looking at Marlene and the baby in aw.

"What's her name?" Lily asks.

"Isabella Rosalind Black. We're calling her Izy for short." Marlene says.

"Her middle name is Rosalind?" Rosie asks.

"Yeah we figured we name her after he god mother." Marlene smiles.

"Really?!" Rosie squeals. "Thank you!"

"Do you want to hold her?" Sirius asks Rosie.

"Of course." Rosie replies and she holds Little Izy.

"Remus  we want you to be The Godfather." Sirius adds.

"Really? I thought you would pick James." He says baffled.

"We worked it out. You'll be The Godfather for his kid. He'll be the god father of my kid and if you so choose I'd be The Godfather for your kid." I explain.

"Of course you would be The Godfather James." Rosie says and passes the baby to Remus who looks terrified.

The baby gets passes around and ends back with Marlene. We then decided to head home and let the family rest.

Hey this in an okay chapter. Hope you like it. Thanks for the support lover you guys.

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