Chapter 12: O. W. L. S

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Lily, Blake, Marlene, and I just finished our O. W. L. S and walked out into the court yard.  Luckily all by body guards aside from Severus, Reg, and Arron were taking their N. E. W. T. S leaving me to hang out with who ever I please. 


We just finished our O. W. L. S. I feel pretty confident I  did well on them but I can't say the same for Sirius, James, or Peter.

"Did you like question ten, Moony?" Sirius asks as we walk out into the court yard.

"Loved it. 'Five five signs that identify the werewolf .' Excellent question." I smile.

"D'you think you managed to get all the signs?" James smirks.

"Think I did. '1) he's sitting on my chair 2) he's wearing my clothes 3) his name's Remus lupin..." I was cut off by Peter.

"I got the nose, the eyes, and the teeth but I'm not sure about the other two."

"How thick are you wormtail? You run around with a werewolf once a month." James muses.

"Keep your voice down." I hiss and open up my book.

"Hey padfoot in the mood for mischief?" James smirks.

"When aren't I prongs?" Sirius smirks.

I look up to see them looking at Snape all by himself sitting by a tree.

"Guys you really shouldn't." I warn.

"Don't be such a buzz kill Moony." Sirius says and he and James walk over to Snape.


The girls and I walk to the black lake when we hear shouting and people are crowding around a tree. Then suddenly we see Severus dangling upside down  in the air. 

"Urgh. It's your arragront brother and torrage Potter." Lily Huffs walking towards the circle of people.

"Lily Snape can take care of himself. " Blake calls.

"Yeah lily just stay out of it." I call.

"He's been hanging with Avery and Mulciber instead of you. I'd be careful. " Marlene adds 

But lily ignores us and pushes through people.

We follow her and we see my brother and James taunting Severus while he's upside down. Peter is watching with wide eyes and Remus has a grimace once he sees us.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE." Lily shouts.

"Aww Evans. Don't make me hex you." James says smiling.

"Just let him be he hasn't done anything." Lily pleads.

"It's more the fact that he exists really?" Sirius shrugs.

"I will stop if you go on a date with me?" James smirks.

"No you arrogant, cocky, cruel, toeragg. Why would I go out with you. Just let sev go!" Lily cries.

"Tough luck mate." Sirius says.


James shrugs and he takes the hex off "there you go. You're lucky Evans was here snivellus." Jame laughs.

"I don't need help from  a filthy little mudblood like her!" Severus scowls get up and drawing his wand.

"You take that back." James says angrily hexing servis once again hanging him upside down.

"Fine I won't bother you in the future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you snivellus." Lily says coldly.

Lily rushes past people and James catches up to her. Before James can say anything lily says

"You shouldn't have cursed Snape "

"He called you mudblood." James reasons.

"But cursing him makes you just as bad as he is." Lily says and continues  walking.

"You've done it now James." I say following lily.

Lily and I head to her dorm where she sits on her bed and starts to cry.

"I -I  should've known this would happen. What with him hanging out more with your body guards an all." Lily sniffs.

"Come on lils you're better then this. It's just a word it means nothing. Besides if anyone else calls you that I'm pretty sure James will kill them. " I laugh at the last part.

"If James didn't have such a big ego I'd think he was being sweet." Lily mumbles.

"Hold up. Did you just call him James and did you just call him sweet!" I exclaim.

"Maybe." lily says he cheeks Turing a slight pink.

"You like James!" I yell.

"Shhh. And no I don't just leave it." Lily says.

"Ok." I say with amused eyes.

There's a knock and Marlene walks in. "Snap is at the door. He's not going to leave until he sees you. He's threatened to sleep out there. "

Lily sighs "well i guess I'll have to tell him off."

"I'll go with you. It's getting late I should probably head to my common room. " I say and follow lily out.

"Lily!" Severus says once he sees us. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean it."

"But you did sev. You did. You call everyone else of my status mudbloods. Why should I be any different. I just came out here so you'd leave. Now good bye." Lily says and leaves.

"I can't believe you." I say and head towards my common room.

Last day of school

"Haha suckers Slytherin win the house cup again." I laugh as we head towards the train.

"Just you wait. We'll win it next year." James contours.

"Sure. That's what you said last year. And the year before that. And the year before.." Blake says.

"Ok I get. Jeez." James says.

"Hey Blake. Hey Rosie." Alex says walking over. "Just came to say goodbye."

"Goodbye Alex. It'll be weird next year without you." I say and hug him.

"Hey Blake can I talk to you." Alex says nervously.

"Yeah. Sure." Blake says and they disappear into the crowd.

"There you are Rosie. Come on. Everyone is waiting." Cissy says and drags me to a compartment that includes Lucius, Avery, Malcom Flint, Severus, Regulus, Aaron, and Mulciber. How we all fit in that compartment is a mystery.

The rest of the ride is quite and not at all like the when I ride with the girls or the marauders. 
We get to kings cross and Regulus and I walk towards our mother and father. Sirius then joins us. We apperate home and my mother starts to yell at Sirius. This is going to be a long summer.

Hey guys. Sorry for the wait. Thanks for the support. And if I don't post (I probably won't sorry) merry Christmas/Hanukkah/kwanza/holidays. Love ya

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