Chapter 5: Potion Perfection

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It's been a few weeks since the quidditch accident Sirius, James,Remus, Alex and even regulus have been watching me constantly. Sirius,James, and Remus specifically walk me to all my classes with Peter trailing behind. Lily and the girls are worried too but they know I'm fine and I need space. Regulus came up to me at breakfast a few days ago to ask how I was. It wasn't a practically long conversation but he still made an effort which was a bit odd.

Potions class was the only day I could escape. We had assigned seats so Sirius and James were partnered in the back. Slughorn thought it would be best to put them together so they don't have to yell across the room to talk to each other. Remus and lily are paired diagonally behind Me and my partner Severus.

"Did you fix the potion?" Severus asked.

"Yeah. This one was trickery then most. " I say sitting down.

You see it started at the beginning of the year when we were first paired  up with each other. Severus and I had been making little side notes in our own potion books for years. Little notes tweaking the directions so it's more efficient to make the potion. When we got paired up we competed books and our notes were very very similar. Since then we each take make notes In our books before we do it in class and once we make the potion in class we compare notes. Normally we only have to change one or two things from our notes.

"Today you will have the whole class to make the drought of living death. No student  of mine has ever been able to successfully accomplish the potion. The group of students who comes close to breaking a successful potion will get a prize. " sluggy says.

Severus gives me a smirk and I give his mine in return. We so got this in the bag.


I see Rosalind and Snape smirk at each other and I'm overcome with jealousy. I want to know what he said to her to make her smirk. Does he like her? Does she like him? A million other questions swirl through my head.

"Remus. Remus. REMUS LUPIN!" Lily shouts.

I snap out of my day dream to a fuming lily.

"Oh sorry what. "

"Honestly Remus weren't you listening we have the whole class to make the drought of living death. And who ever makes it the best gets a prize. " lily explains.

"Ok cool let's get started. "


Severus and I were flying through the potion while the others were still on the step about "cutting" the beans. Severus and I found it was easier to crush them because they didn't bounce and make it impossible to do.

"How the hell are you that far?" Lily exclaims with her hair growing  in volume.

"Yeah how did you cut the beans if they keep bouncing?" Remus asks a bit disheveled .

Snape and I Share a look and decided not to tell them about our notes.  They may be our friends but we want to win.

I shrug. "We cut them. Just hang in there you'll get it eventually"

"Yeah we did." Sirius says with his wand behind his eye.

"How did you two gits get farther  then us?" Lily exclaims

"I'll tell you for a kiss." James says cockily.

"No way in your dreams. "

"You will be."

"Ew gross seriously how did you do it ?" 

"I don't know prongs and I were messing around with the beans and I got one with the knife and it cut. We just kept doing until we did it for all of them. " Sirius shrugs.

"You are no help." Lily groans

Once the time is up everyone except Severus  and I  is distraught and disheveled. Sluggy goes to every pair saying in disappointment. Surprisingly Sirius and James is the bet but that's only because he hasn't tested ours. Sluggy is presently surprised when ours is actually successful.

"Well merlins beard. Miss Black and Mr. Snape have done it. They have brewed it perfectly!" Slighting says in delight.

"You prize is 15 points to each of you and a tiny vile of liquid luck for each of you." Sluggy says handing us a vile.  "Anyone tell me what liquid luck is actually called?"

Remus raises his hand. "Ah yes. Mr. Lupin. "

"Liquid luck is actually called Felix Felicis, it is a magical potion that makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt will be successful." Remus responds.

"Very good Mr. Lupin. 10 points to Gryffindor. Yes Felix Felicis. Very tricky to make and disastrous if you get it wrong. Congrats you two." Sluggy says and pats us on the back.

Severus and I smile at each other and exit class. I go to talk to Remus but he's already rushing half way out the door.

Sorry for not posting in a while. I hope you like this chapter. Comment on what you think of the story so far. Do you like it? Thanks for the support.

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