Chapter 3: First Full Moon

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It's the first full moon of the school year. It's also the first one we can help Moony. He went down with Poppy at 8. It's about 11 now and he's going to change soon. Wormtail, Prongs and I  all squish under the invisibility cloaks and head to the whomping willow. We use the map so we don't run into anyone.

"Shit." Prongs swears.

"What?" I whisper

"Rosie is coming." He states.

Sure enough my twin sister rounds the corner almost hitting us. Luckily we move out of the way so she doesn't hit us but she unfortunately steps on some of the cloak and it comes off.

"Ahhh!!" She yells but Prongs quickly covers her mouth with  his hand.

"Shh do you want us to get caught." Prongs whisper yells.

"What are you doing out so late any way?" I ask.

Rosie cross her arms and makes an 'you've got to be kidding me face.' She then smirks and prongs shrieks.

"Shut up." I whisper. 

"She licked me!!" Prongs exclaims.

"That's disgusting. " I say and she shrugs.

"Now why are you out." I ask.

"Chill not need to get into Mr. Over protective. Besides I could be asking you the same question. If you really must know I was pranking. " she says smartly.

"Oh really who?" Prongs questions.

"Good ole sluggy of course." She smirks. "Let's just say class should be interesting in Monday. Now why are you guys out late?"

"Uuuhh." Wormtail says.

"We're doing some pranking ourselves. On flitwick. " Prongs says.

"Where's Remus?" She asks.

"In our dorm. He decided to do some late night reading. You know him. He loves his books." I state.

"Ah huh. Well goodnight see you in the morning." She says and continues to walk to her common room.

After she's out of sight we slip the cloak back on.

"That was close." Wormtail squeaks.

"You're telling me." Prongs adds.

"Yeah." I agree. I then look at my watch "Shit it's almost 12. We have to hurry." 

We hurry to the whomping willow.  Prongs hides his invisibility cloak in the bush and we transform into our animanguses. I'm a big black dog, prongs is a buck, and Wormtail is a rat. Wormtail runs to the try and hits a knot so the tree stops moving and we can safely get into the tree without getting hit.

It's strange being a dog. Quite fun but the flies are annoying. We here a howl and run down the passage to the shrieking shack. When we arrive Moony is fully transformed. When he sees us he bares his teeth in warning but once we show him we mean no harm he backs down.  He then strayed to bite and claw himself.

I walk towards him and nip his ear as a sign of play. He stops hurting  him self and we start to play. Wormtail joins into and so does prongs.

At one point in the night Someone ,probably Wormtail, stepped on Moony's tail this caused him to lash out and claw at Prongs. Prongs only really  got a minor scratch.

The rest of the night is spent trying to keep Moony from hurting himself. Which I think we've been pretty successful. Moony changes back around 4 in the morning. He's so tired he just pass out on the floor(fully clothed thankfully) . We all transform back and hoist moony up.

"Thanks Guys. " he says sleepily.

"Of course moony." I say.

"We couldn't let you do it alone anymore." Prongs adds.

We make it back to the castle and give him to poppy in the hospital Wing. We then head up to our dorms. We're all so tired we all just land on one bed and fall asleep. 


It was the weekend but nonetheless I woke up like it was a school day at 6 am sharp. Don't ask why but once I woke up I can't go back to sleep. I got dresses and headed down to the great hall for breakfest. Not many people were up this early but there was a good amount of people. Remus being one of them.

"Hey Remus." I say and sit next to him.

Remus looks tireder then most. He also has a few mysterious cuts and scratches.

"Oh hey Rosalind." He says nervously and I give him a look. "Oh right hey Rosie. "

"That's much better. " I smile and make a plate for myself.

"Quidditch is starting up soon right?" He asks.

"Yeah. Practice starts Monday followed by the Gryffindor Slytherin game. I can't wait!!" I say with a mouth  full of food.

Remus chuckles. The rest of breakfest is a good type of silence with some small talk in between. When we're done we head back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Can I go wake my brother up?" I ask mischievously.

"Be my guest. " Remus laughs.

I sprint up the steps.

"Door with the number 4 on it. " he yells.

I throw up the door with a golden 4 on it. To see Sirius having his left  leg hanging off the bed. James laying on Sirius' right leg with his feet on the head board, Peter is then hanging up side down from the bed with his legs on James chest.

"What up losers!!" I yell causing all of them to fall off the bed.

"Ugh. Not funny Rosie." Sirius grumbles as he rubs his head.

"Really cause it looked real funny to me. " I laugh.

"Oh stuff it." James glares.

"Next time you should go to bed earlier you lazy bums." I say and walk out of the room.

Ok sorry for the wait. Thanks for all the support of you have any thoughts or suggestions please comment and vote. Love ya

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