Chapter 18: Keep the Streak Alive

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"I would wish you good luck but I can't" Remus says with my back to the wall and his hand next to my head.

"Well that's to bad lucky I don't need it." I smile.

"Oh yeah. I here that Gryffindor is prettt good this year." He smirks.

"That might be true but Slytherin is better." I say "and you're going to make me late. "

"Why do you have to go. Can't you just stay with me." Remus says wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

"Remus. I can't" I groan. "I'm the captain."

"Ugh." Remus groans.

"I'll see you after okay. When Slytherin wins" I yell as I take off to the pitch.

"Cutting it a bit close don't you think cap?" Regulus says once I join my team.

"Shut up little brother. I had thinks I had to take care of." I glare.

"Alright team most of you are new to the team so you don't know the importance of this game. Besides it being the quidditch house cup. There has been a streak going you see. The last captain Malcom Flint was the first to have a perfect record as well as Alex Karev. They had a winning record of the house cup won it every year since second. So that means Blake and I have had a perfect streak and we intend to keep it. So I need you guys to play your hardest today. Not let's go out there and hunt some lions." I say and we head out into the pitch.

The game started with Madame hooch throwing up the quaffle.

Blake, Amelia, and Nico worked together perfectly. Cutting passing and scoring. They jacked the score up. Regina and I sent the beaters at the chasers and seeker. After a few hours the score was 220 - 60 Slytherin. Sirius being his usual self was pounding Regulus with bludgers and I kept them away. Regulus took off and so did the Gryffindor seeker. Sirius sends a bludger to reg again and I block him. However Regulus doesn't reach the snitch but the Gryffindor chaser does.

My heart sinks into my stomach. Until I look at the score. 220- 210. Slytherin wins. By 10 points. We win by one goal. I fly down and find Blake. I run to give her a hug.

"We did it." Blake yells.

"One down. One more to go!" I say.

As we're all congratulating each other someone pulls me away. It Remus.

"Hey you." I smile.

"Hey supper star." Remus says hugging me.

"Told you Slytherin would win." I say smugly.

"Do I get a consolation prize?"

"Hmmm. I guess you can get one" I smirk and kiss Remus.

"Mm. I like this prize" he smiles down at me.

"I thought you might."

"Let head to the castle. I'm hungry" he says and slings his arm over my shoulder.

When we get to the great hall we go are separate ways.

"When you were late for the game. Were you getting freaky." Blake asks with a goofy face.

"Ew no. And keep your voice down. We were just talking." I say and playful shove her.

"Sure." Blake says with a smirk.

"Ok there was some kissing. But that's all. I swear. " I say.

Blake laughs and eats her dinner.

"You played great out there." Aaron says from down the table.

"Uh thanks Aaron. " I force a smile

Aaron's not a bad kid. He's actually really sweet. But he's not for me.

"Speaking of guys." I whisper to Blake. "Do you have anyone special?"

"I'm going to plea the 5th of the U.S constitution." Blake responds.

"What does that even mean?" I ask.

"It means. I don't have to answer your question." She sticks her tongue out.

After dinner we head up to our dorm.

"Tomorrow is our last day as sixth years. How do you feel about it?" I ask

"Ok. Right now. Tomorrow however might be different."

"Oh please I have never seen you cry once." I say with my arms crossed.

"And I've never seen a unicorn. That doesn't mean it's not true." She says back.

Train ride next morning

"We are 7th years now!" Marlene yells in the compartment.

"Hey were's Peter?" Lily asks.

"Oh he said he went to find the trolley. He's been gone for a while now." Sirius says.

"Maybe he got lost?" James says.

"Well I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to get back to my Slytherin people minus Blake." I say smiling.

I walk down the hall to the compartment where I bump into Peter. He looks at me quickly and runs off. How odd?

"It's about time you showed up." Snape grumbled as I sat down in between regulus and Aaron.

"Shut up." I snap.

"So our engagement party is in July. " Aaron says.

"How nice." I say with a weak smile.

The rest of the train ride was quite and awkward. Once the train stopped Regulus and I got off when I remembered I left my purse in the compartment.

"Reg. I'll be right there I forgot my purse." I say and go back.

On the way to the compartment someone grabbed me and pushed me into another compartment.

"Shh Rosie. It's me." A calm familiar voice says.

"Remus." I say and breath in his scent Of chocolate, parchment, and the woods.

"Hey. I just wanted to see you before you go to that hell hole." He says softly.

"I'm glad because I wanted to see you one last time too." I say and lean my forehead on his.

"I'm going to miss you." I say. "I'll try to write but that's going to be hard."

"It's fine as long as I see you next September 1st. "

"Okay." I smile 

"Okay." Remus smiles and kisses me.

We break apart and Remus says "Goodbye. See you next September." And leaves.

I wait a few seconds and then leave.

"Took you a little bit." Regulus whispers.

"Sorry. I had trouble finding it." I whisper.

"You're lucky mum likes to talk." Sirius whispers.

Soon mother stops talking and we apperate home. This is going to be a long summer.

Hey guys thanks for the support. I would really appreciate feed back. Love you guys.

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