Its been about an hour before the team came. We waited for Guy Sensei to come. About five minutes later he came. Unlike Kakashi sensei hes always on time.

"Ok my youthful students one hundred laps around the leaf village. Go!" He commanded.
I immediately took off because I knew if we didn't obey he will add another hundred laps.

After we did our laps we were Waiting for Michigo. As we did yesterday.

"Damn her. If she can't keep up she'll only slow us down."
Ten minutes later she showed up exhausted.

"How do you call yourself a ninja if you can't even keep up. You're slowing us down. Either get up to speed or quit." I said glaring at her that we had to wait again.

I have a feeling this is going to be a daily routine.

"If we were on a mission and you not being able to keep up with us you'd only be slowing us down." I said turning to Guy Sensei.

"Neji be nice shes knew to this team. Now I want everyone to do one hundred push ups and sit-ups. Then Neji and Michigo will spare today then Lee and Tenten. Go!"

With that I started my pushups and sit-ups. I finished soon after Lee and as usual Michigo was last.

"Hurry up! You call yourself a ninja? Being a ninja means staying  fit. Meaning keeping up with us while we do our laps and not struggling with pushups or sit-ups." I said angrily. I was waiting about twenty minutes for her to finish. Lee and Tenten were sparing since I couldn't because she wasnt finished.

"Shut it will you. I can kick your ass any day." She retorted defensively.

We will just have to see about that.

Michigos pov

What an ass. Am I really going to slow the team down? Yeah I'm strong but he's right. I can't even keep up. I'm not that strong in taijutsu either. Way to make me feel like a failure. Asshole.

Soon Lee and Tenten were done sparing and Lee was helping her clean up her weapons. After they had finished it was our turn.

Oh my God. What if hes right? I saw how Hinata fought. So I know his fighting style, close range. Taijutsu. Which I suck at. But he's on a whole other level then Hinata. He's good. I hope I can live up to my words. He knows my jutsus. He knows how to avoid them. How do I fight this guy?

"Hello earth to Michigo. You going to fight me or not. Don't tell me you're quitting now." He said rudely. I swore I saw a slight smirk on his face too.

"Shut it ass! I never back down from a fight. Prepare to lose." I said defensively as I got into a fighting stance away from Neji. I made sure to stay away so I wouldn't get hit with those dangerous hands of his. I knew he uses the gentle fist which he blocks chakra so I backed away. It's also a good thing I'm a long range fighter. Which turns it to my advantage.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." He said getting into position. He seemed to be waiting for me to make the first move. He had his Byakugan activated so I knew he was ready for anything. 

So he's waiting for me to make the first move huh? What should I use? He's seen my jutsus. He's prepared and on top of that he's a lot stronger than Hinata and the rest of our team.

I decided to go with crystal style.

"Crystal style: shuriken wild dance!" I yelled as I jumped in the air and performed my hand signs.

He deflected every one. He's good alright. No matter I'll finish this with this next move.

"Crystal style: growing crystal thorns!" I yelled. He only dodged them.

As I suspected he can see them coming. He's tougher than I thought. As Long as I stay away I'll be fine. I'm doomed if  he comes near me.

"Crystal style: crimson fruit!" He dodged that jutsu as well and ran full speed at me.

Fuck I can't out run him. Damn it.

"Crystal style: Jaden crystal blade!" I yelled just in time to stop his gentle fist.
After that it was a battle of strength. If he can brake through my crystal blade than I am screwed. I'm not very good with hand to hand combat.


That was the sound of my crystal shattering.
Oh fuck my life dude!

"Eight trigrams: 64 palms!" He yelled as he got closer and started to jab my chakra points.
"2 palm... 4 palm... 8 palm... 16 palm... 32 palm... 64 palm..." He yelled as each of his jabs got harder and faster. After he finished I was thrown onto the ground unable to move because all my chakra points had been blocked.

Damn it I underestimated him! Bad mistake!

"Next time don't get all cocky. When you have time to train than train. Lazy fool." He said with such hatred and anger. I knew his anger wasn't towards me it was more like frustration. But what he was angry at was beyond my knowledge. All I did was stare at him confused since I couldn't move.

"Nice work guys. You did good. Now Neji could you take Michigo to the hospital seen as she can't move." Guy sensei said coming over.

"Yes sensei." He said with a monotonous voice. He carefully picked me up bridal style. He carried me like I was fragile but his attitude said he's irritated with me.

"May I help you guys?" Asked a nurse at the front desk as we got into the hospital.

"Yes she needs to see the doctor. I blocked her chakra points while training with her."  He told her simply ignoring me because I was staring at him because he was carrying me gently.

"Right this way please." She said leading us down a hallway to an empty room.

"Lay her here."  She said pointing to the empty bed.
"Thank you. Ill be with her shortly." With that the nurse left.

"I'll leave you now. You should be fine once they've  treated you. Next time don't get all cocky. Now that you know all our strengths and weaknesses we need to train harder to improve our teamwork. It was destiny that you lost to me. Maybe if you trained harder you could've beaten me. Remember my eyes see all." And with that he left. He left me speechless because he wasn't talking with such hatred.

He's a weird one. One minute he's talking with such hatred towards me and the next he's lecturing me in a normal tone. I don't get it.

I was broken out of my thoughts when the doctor came in to treat me.
About an hour later of resting he let me go.

"Thank you for all your help." I said while walking out. It was practically sundown. So I decided to go home to meditate and have dinner. After that I went to bed. I was still wary about whatever was in my house the other night. But since then it hasn't returned. I only thanked Kami every night for that.

The Crystal Style User ( A Neji Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now