chapter 25: just leave

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tinus pov//

i bursted the door open. there j was cutting away at her soft skin. i ran to her and grabbed the knife out of her hand.

she looked up at me with anger in her eyes. i had never seen her like this. she looked like she was going to explode.

j-"leave me alone martinus!"

tinus-"j please! i'm so sorry. you have no idea what was going through my mind and-"

j-"your mind? what was going through your mind? do you understand how selfish you sound right now? you cheated on me martinus. thats it."

she got up and opened the door. she wouldnt look at me. i shut the door and made her look at me now.

tinus-"j i love you. i love you more than anything. i messed up. i admit. please you have to understand how much you mean to me."

j-"if i mean so much to you then how could you do this to me! i would never cheat on you martinus. NEVER! thats how much you mean to me."

she had tears running down her face. i hated to see her like this and it made me feel so awful.

tinus-"i love you j, with all my heart."

j-"martinus you are the only person i love. how can i trust you again? i think you and marcus need to leave."

i held my head down. i finally left the room. my heart broke. i am the worst boyfriend ever. well, was the worst boyfriend ever.

mac pov//

martinus came downstairs. i could tell things didnt end well. he seemed so upset.

martinus-"she hates me now. she doesnt want anything to do with me. she told me to leave."

marcus-"im sorry."

martinus-"i deserve it. i was a horrible boyfriend to her. we really should find a way to go."


lena-"i should go talk to her."

marcus-"no. maybe we should just leave her alone."

martinus-"i dont know if i would do that."

lena-"yeah i wouldnt want to leave her either. i need to be with my best friend right now. sorry guys."

she ran up the stairs. and there she goes. it was just me and martinus left here. how are we gonna catch a flight out of here?

guess we are going to have to pull some strings. i texted dad to see if he could find us a flight. he texted back saying that we could leave soon.

he found a private jet for us. perfect. maybe lena would want to come with us? i can try and offer.

i started to walk upstairs. martinus turned and looked at me.

martinus-"where are you going?"

marcus-"to see if lena wants to come with us."

he nodded his head. he looked down at his phone and i could tell he was hurt. i went up to j's room and i knocked on her door.

lena opened the door but stepped out in the hallway and shut the door behind her. she didnt want me to come in.

lena-"shes sleeping."

marcus-"do you want to come to norway with us?"

she looked at me like i was crazy.

lena-"i cant just leave marcus. i need to be here with j. im sorry."

she opened the door to go back. i gave her a quick hug. i guess i wouldnt be seeing her for a while.

i went back downstairs. martinus looked up and signaled it was time to go.

before we left lena came running down the stairs.

lena-"i changed my mind. we just need to make a couple of stops."


we were on the plane. martinus was still a mess. he sat by the window and looked out. he was writing in his journal.

he would kill me if i ever showed that to anyone. but maybe thats what i need to do! his journal and his pictures.

j will know he loves her. and the box! i need to tell lily. i looked over at her she was on the end. it was a long flight and her shoulder was resting on mine and my arm around her.

i really like her. i waited for tinus to fall asleep. that wasnt going to take her long enough. finally. i turned towards lena.

mac-"lena you need to know something. something only i know. martinus would kill me if i said something to j but idk how to tell her. martinus didnt just meet her when she moved to norway...he has been kinda tracking her fanpage for a while."

lena-"so you mean martinus has known about j all for a while. thats so weird but why didn't he say anything?"

mac-"well its kinda embarrassing for him. he even wrote in his journal about her and when they started dating he kept this memory box of little stuff from them. its very sweet."

lena-"well j has like a photo heart of all of you guys-mainly martinus but your in there. she loves all that stuff if she knew he had it could change her mind a little bit. how do we pull this off?"

i grabbed his journal. martinus will thank me hopefully. i took pictures of all the notes and songs and poems. i even had a picture of the box.

mac-"let me do some editing and j will be back in norway in no time."

the new girl in town\martinus g.\Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt