Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The next morning came faster than I had expected. Of course I had stayed up all night talking to Carrie about Lance and I figured out that it had been what they were talking about. Apparently, Lance had been holding the rings for a few days, unsure of when to ask. I can’t explain how happy I am that he finally did. I looked in the mirror as I finished brushing out my hair and stared at the necklace that was still around my neck. I held the ring up to it and admired both of them. I smiled as I put the ring back on my finger and walked downstairs. I headed into the kitchen to grab something to eat and noticed Aunt Maggie and Jack were whispering to each other and I couldn't help but to smile at them. Jack noticed me and he smiled wickedly at me.

“So when’s the wedding?”

I took off my shoe and threw it at him, causing Aunt Maggie to bust out laughing. I turned bright red from Jack’s comment and I could feel my temperature rising as well. Jack was laughing when he handed my shoe back to me.

“You throw like a girl,” he teased. “I was kidding. I really am happy for you.”

“It’s about time,” Mr. Haynes said walking into the kitchen. I looked over at him with a helpless expression.

“Not you too, Mr. Haynes!” I whined and he just smiled warmly at me with an amused glint in his eyes. Muttering, I put my shoe back on and left the kitchen and walked upstairs to finish getting ready for school, not even bothering to eat. I heard laughter downstairs as I started to walk back down and I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes as a smile spread across my lips. I walked to the front door and found Lance leaning up against the wall as he waited for me. He smiled wickedly as I made my way over to him. I looked over my shoulder as Jack called out something about bridesmaids and Lance snickered.

“I’ve been getting it all morning as well,” Lance said as he smirked over at Jack who came into view from the living room. Lance turned his attention back towards me and I felt my cheeks grow hot. Smiling gently at me, Lance took my hand and led me out the door. “We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry,” he said mockingly as he looked over his shoulder.

“Don’t you be telling me what to do,” I said sarcastically as I smiled back at him. We got into his car and took off towards the school and Lance held my hand the entire way there. This is so strange but yet I’m so happy, I thought as Lance squeezed my hand as we pulled into the school. We walked through the front doors hand in hand and I saw other students smiling at us and other girls were giggling. I sighed heavily and Lance chuckled.

“Aren’t you glad to be getting so much attention,” he said as he glanced down at me from the corner of his eyes.

“Delighted,” I grumbled but I didn’t care what other people thought. I was with Lance and that was enough for me. We entered the classroom and a flash went off and I staggered backwards in surprise. Lance caught me with his arm and he looked annoyingly over at Carrie who had taken a picture of us.

“It’s about time, you love birds!” Carrie said and the class erupted with laughter. Carrie walked over to me and waved the camera at us. “I’ll be getting plenty, trust me.”

“You’re going a bit over board,” I said laughing as Lance walked over towards his friends.

“All of us knew he was going too,” Carrie said as she looked over at Lance who had punched Tyler in the arm after a comment was made. “We were just wondering when he would get the balls too. Well I guess we can’t really blame him, since so much has happened.”

“So the whole class was in on it?” I asked as I looked around.

“Pretty much,” Carrie said with a sly smile. “I told him to do it romantically but he wouldn’t listen to me.”

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