Chapter Six

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"Ashley if you don't hurry, you're going to be late for your first day of school! Do you really want to be late?"

"Do you really want my opinion?" I asked smiling at Aunt Maggie who looked over at me with a frustrated expression as I entered the limo. I sat with my hands in my lap, looking down at the floor. My hair was down and my bangs were parted neatly to the left side. I watched the passing landscapes with an uneasy stomach. I sighed heavily as the limo came to a stop, hoping the ride to school would be longer than normal. Jack opened the door for me and I stepped out, taking in the sight of the giant school that stood in front of me. My shoulders slumped as Jack pulled my bag out of the seat and handed it to me.

"It won't be too bad," Jack whispered in my ear. I glared up at him before I turned and started walking towards the school. I looked over my shoulder, smiling at Aunt Maggie who waved at me. I waved back at her and then turned around to face the day awaiting me. I walked into the front doors and started making my way down the hallway to Mr. Stevens' class. I noticed the different groups of girls crowding the hallway, talking in hushed voices and greeting their friends; the group of guys hitting each other in the arms and talking in loud voices; I walked right by them with my head down. I walked into the classroom and saw a small group of girls already sitting in the right-hand corner, laughing and talking. The red haired girl glanced up and made eye-contact with me, and she shushed her friends into silence as I walked in. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to a seat in the opposite corner and sat down, setting my bag down on the left side of my chair. I heard the chairs scrape the floor and I looked up from the corner of my eye into the face of the red haired girl. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she had light freckles on her face and green eyes. She smiled at me and I narrowed my eyes; I knew her smile all too well. It was the smile Erin had when she would bully me.

"You're the new girl, huh?" she said mockingly. I turned my gaze away from her and didn't answer. I went to grab a notebook out of my bag, but she grabbed the collar of my jacket and put her face inches from mine. "Think you're too good to talk to me?"

"I would appreciate it if you got your face out of mine," I growled, narrowing my eyes further. "If you're trying to get someone's attention, I would have to recommend an easier way." She released my jacket and I stood up to face her. I put on my cold smile and she glared at me. "My name is Ashley Reynolds, but I'm pretty sure you know who I am, so there's no more need for introductions."

"Katie White," the girl replied, her eyes widening. I knew why her eyes showed a bit of fear now; this is the only time the last name of Reynolds came in handy. Katie was clearly angry though and she clenched her fists together as she recovered. "You think you can just throw your family name around huh? Is that what rich, snobby kids do to get what they want?"

I looked past her and saw other students coming into the classroom, but none of them were coming any closer us. I didn't blame them. Katie was intimidating and she was someone I didn't want to mess with or spend time talking to. But I was not going to get bullied again; I had enough when I lived with Erin and Eric. I wasn't going to let anyone torture me again.

"I don't really care about my family name," I responded, irritation sparking in my voice as my eyes went cold. "I hate people who think they can get what they want through force. Frankly, you're the prime example of such a person."

"You piece of—"Katie said raising her arm. I flinched back a bit, but her blow never came. I looked up quickly and saw her arm was tightly gripped by another. My eyes moved over to the person who saved me from the blow, and my mouth dropped open when I saw Lance glaring down at her.

"Now, please tell me you aren't going to start a fight on the first day?" Lance said slyly.

"O-of course not!" Katie stuttered, pulling her hand away from his. "She was just—"

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