Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day rolled around, but it felt like time had stopped. I laid there as I stared up at the ceiling. I physically could not move my body. I didn't have the strength to even lift my arm and the pain in my sides were excruciating. I gritted my teeth together as pain rippled through my body and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Why can't I move?! What's wrong with me? It was pass the time I was usually up and I heard footsteps stomping up the stairs and I was scared about who was coming up here. My dad slammed open my door and marched over to me, his eyes flaring.

"What are you doing? Why are you still in bed?!" he yelled.

"Dad, I...I can't feel my body," I whimpered as I closed my eyes from the pain. Can you please understand this one time?

"Do I look like I care?" he said evenly and I felt my hopes vanish. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my bed, ignoring my screams of pain as I fell to the floor. "Get to school, you sad excuse for a child." I didn't budge and I tried to gather the strength to stand but I was failing. "Do I need to drag you down the stairs too?" my dad threatened.

"No, I'm getting up," I gasped out as I slowly got to my feet. I watched my dad leave the room and I felt my body start screaming with pain, telling me to sit back down. I took a step towards my closet and fell back down from the effort. What kind of pain is this? I thought as I gritted my teeth together as I tried to stand once more. My body hasn't had this much pain in a long time. What's causing it? Willing myself to walk forward, I forced myself to get dressed and walk down the stairs. I didn't even bother going to the kitchen to see if I could get a small breakfast; I barely had the energy to walk down the stairs. I grabbed my bag and found I couldn't even lift it. Grunting with effort, I hoisted up onto my shoulder and stumbled out the door. Gravity was my new enemy, as it was pulling me down to the ground more than usual as I walked towards the school. I felt tears sliding down my face as I walked, the pain becoming unbearable.

I arrived ten minutes late but Mrs. Bearings didn't even say anything about it, which caught me off guard. My breathing was haggard as I sat down. Mrs. Bearings gave me a worried look before beginning the lesson. As I watched Mrs. Bearings write on the board, I started to see doubles and I was getting extremely dizzy. My vision was starting to go foggy and my breathing was coming in heaves. Suddenly my body tightens and spazzes, and I'm sent falling to the floor. I hear Mrs. Bearings scream as I twitched on the floor. I rolled onto my stomach and began to cough violently, blood coming up in mouthfuls and spilling onto the floor. My head started to go fuzzy as I stared down at the puddle of blood and noticed a big black ball sitting in the middle of the puddle. I didn't hear what Mrs. Bearings was saying as I collapsed onto the floor into my own blood and slipped into unconsciousness.


My eyes slowly opened and a bright light shined into them. I blinked a couple times and noticed I was in a hospital room. I slowly moved my head and saw I had IV's in each arm, pumping fluids into my arms. I winced from the pain of just moving my head and realized this had to be much more serious. What am I doing here though? I don't remember coming here, I thought as I looked around. Then I remembered the attack I had right in front of Mrs. Bearings and I felt ashamed. She's probably real freaked out right now. I wonder if she's okay. I looked to my right and saw the giant window overlooking the city and I couldn't help but smile at the view. I grimaced as the pain increased in power, feeling like I couldn't even wiggle my toes. I felt so weak and I didn't understand why. I suddenly noticed I was in a hospital garb, and my hand slowly made its way up to my neck. I smiled when I felt the necklace still there and I let my hand slide back down. I heard voices coming from outside of my door and I slowly turned my head and saw Mrs. Bearings peek in. When she saw me, her eyes widened and she walked in followed by Aunt Maggie and Jack. Aunt Maggie immediately walked over to stand by my side.

A Ticket Out of Lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن