Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I heard voices from somewhere within the room as I started to wake up. I felt the mask was still on my face and I didn’t feel like opening my eyes. The pain from the surgery was awful, but what took me by surprise was the pain that was shooting throughout my back. Finally giving in, I opened my eyes slowly and noticed one of the IVs had gotten taken out. My body felt so weak that it was embarrassing. I turned my head slightly and saw Dr. Bryn talking to the nurse about my fluids and what I should be eating. His eyes caught mine and he looked over and smiled at me.

“How are you feeling today, Ashley?” he asked as he walked over.

“Doing better thanks to you,” I said weakly. I was shocked that my voice was so haggard. I was hoping it was because of the drugs.

“I looked over your organs and everything else seems fine at the moment,” Dr. Bryn said and I could hear the positivity in his voice. “I do bear some bad news though.”

“Naturally,” I said with a chuckle and he smiled.

“While we were doing the surgery, your spine that was already crystallized cracked under the pressure. We put an iron bar in your back for support. If we hadn’t, your spine would shatter the next time you stand. We repaired it as much as we could, but we could only do so much.”

“It’s understandable. Still, I didn't think my spine had crystallized that bad,” I replied. I looked down at my hands for a second as I took in this bit of news. It was shocking to actually hear that my body was starting to fall apart. I glanced up at Dr. Bryn hesitantly. “Can you be honest with me?”

“Of course Ashley.”

“Can you tell me what the future looks like? As things stand now with my family and all?”

“As things are now, I’m afraid your chances are slim. If you continue living with your family, you won’t be seeing a Thanksgiving this year.”

“And how can we fix that?” I looked over Dr. Bryn’s shoulder to see Lance walk in, an angry expression on his face. I couldn't help but have that small smile cross my lips when he walked in. He's becoming so nosy sometimes, I thought. He walked over and stood beside Dr. Bryn, who smirked at him with a devious twinkle in his eye.

“What you can do, Mr. Haynes? Your presence enough helps Ashley in several ways.”

Lance looked embarrassed at this and I had to look the other way so neither one of them could see how bad I was blushing. Dr. Bryn, really?! You had to go and say something like that? That's embarrassing!

“Come on doc I’m being serious here,” Lance said as he put his hand to his head to hide his embarrassment.

“I am serious,” Dr. Bryn said as he stood back up. “Your support for Ashley has actually encouraged her to fight. Had she not gained what she earned at Saint Albert’s, this would be her funeral instead.”

I opened my mouth to disagree, but I closed it immediately. It just dawned on me that ever since I had met Carrie and Lance, I found myself fighting the disease with a more fierce passion then I had when I was with my family. Dr. Bryn smiled at me and he left the room. Lance took his place and smiled at me.

“You are so red right now,” he said laughing.

“Speak for yourself,” I shot back and he just smiled brightly at me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a minute before opening them back up. “He told me why the surgery took so long.”

“Did he now?” Lance said as he leaned forward as he raised an eyebrow. “Care to tell me?”

“Tell me the plan you have and I will,” I said deviously.

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