Chapter Two

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Due to a request, here's the second chapter so I hope you guys find this enjoyable! Please let me know how you like this story, since I don't want to put anything on here that's boring. I'll continue when I have more than one person comment :)

I stood looking at the score boards for the exams, my hands tucked into the pockets of my black baggy pants. The scores for the exams would be posted soon, but I wasn't exactly worried about them. I was usually the top of my class because I had nothing better to do than study. I looked to my right and saw Erin giggling with her girlfriends. I forced myself to look away, knowing that if she caught me looking over at her she would make a big scene about it, which was the last thing I needed. Finally the principal came out and started posting the scores. I saw my name at the top of my class list and saw I got hundreds on my History and English. The rest of my subjects were in the mid-nineties. I smiled to myself as I heard some boys complain about the postings and I just turned and walked towards the exit. The boys here didn't like the fact they were beaten by a girl, so it made my victory even sweeter. Aunt Maggie should be at the house by now, I thought as I exited the school grounds. As I turned the corner, I looked up and spotted a man leaning against the wall which surrounded the school. I stopped in my tracks as I noticed it was the man from last night, the one who followed me from the café. I considered taking the long way back to the house, but didn't have time to put it into action as the man noticed me. He walked in my direction and I just continued to walk, keeping my head down. I passed him and he grabbed my arm. I tried to yank it out of his hold but he only tightened his grip.

"You Ashley Reynolds?" he asked, his voice no longer the raspy sound like I heard last night.

"What if I am?" I shot back, narrowing my eyes. The man chuckled and lifted his jacket so I could see his face. I looked at him with a disgusted face and he busted out laughing.

"Very funny, Jack. You almost got yourself a kick to the balls." Jack released my arm and started to laugh again, even harder this time.

"Hey, don't be so sour. It's my job to look out for you."

"Stalking me at a café is looking out for me? There are other ways to check up on me. They invented phones for that reason," I stated as I adjusted my bag and walked down the sidewalk, Jack joining me.

"Your aunt wanted to make sure you were okay. Locking you out of the estate was a little rude," Jack said rubbing his face.

"Next time you're asked to tail me, don't make it obvious. And you think that's rude? Ha, you have no idea. Anyways, is Aunt Maggie already at the house?"

"Yeah, she's been there for over an hour. I have a feeling her and your mom are getting into a fight."

"Doesn't surprise me," I mumbled. I glanced at Jack from the corner of my eye and noticed him looking at me with concern. Jack was an old friend of my aunts. They grew up together and had been best friends since the second grade. He had black hair, about average in height and had brown eyes. He was a year older than my aunt and he was one of my aunt's business people, not in his early thirties as I thought he was when I spotted him in the café. They worked together in the same company. Aunt Maggie gave him the job of following me every now and then, just to make sure I was alright. Jack would come up with different ideas on how to do it, and every single one of them he almost ended up with my foot in his crotch. I did enjoy his company at times, since he was one who actually enjoyed talking to me.

"You had an attack at the café didn't you?" he asked.

"It wasn't too bad," I muttered, avoiding his eyes. Jack was the only one outside of the family who knew I had STX, and how I was treated by my family. He was pissed when my aunt told him my family was doing nothing about it. He's more concerned than my father is, I thought as I continued walking.

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